Re: New Utopia

From: Boris Goldshmit (
Date: Mon Jun 29 1998 - 19:23:49 MDT

Here we go again... Nation, as it exists now is absolutely not necessary
successful establishment of a transhuman social entity!!! It is amazing to
hear ideas and voices arguing future organization and order of human kind
in the context of social structures which will eventually become archaic
like tribes and hunting-gathering groups of primitive ages...

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lorrey <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 1:32 AM
Subject: Re: New Utopia

>Boris Goldshmit wrote:
>> Excellent Point! It is absolutely not necessary to create a new and
>> independent country in order to purse goals of transhumanism
>> or any other ideological, political, or religious movement. The idea
>> is just a nostalgic appeal to the disappearing age of state dominated
>> social and political world order. A more contemporary organization
>> which can easily transcend state lines and provide environment and
>> infrastructure will serve muchmore effectively to further the cause
>> unnecessary overhead usually associated with a creation of a new
>> Utopian state (We still have to see one). A corporation is one of the
>> many options. What is nexi? Sorry, I am a newbie...
>I may have an idea on how an extropian nation could be wrangled into
>with minimal difficulty. I see it as a political parallel of the common
>business practice of buying a shell corporation. In business, there are
>companies which have listings on Stock Exchanges, but no longer operate any
>business. The easiest way for a start up company to get listed on a major
>exchange is to buy one of these shell corporations.
>How I would apply this to the political transaction of creating an
>state easily is going to involve a bit of environmental science here. I was
>watching a program on the Discovery Channel about the West Antarctic Ice
>and how it is expected to collapse some time in the near future (20-200
>due to global warming, or some other unknown cause. When this ice sheet
>collapses (they say when, not if), it is expected that sea levels will rise
>several tens of meters, which will be enough to flood many existing island
>nations around the world. As many of these nations will not want to give up
>their national sovereignty, even though they are then no longer dry land, I
>expect that the UN will make some special exemption to the 'dry land'
clause to
>preserve these nations. I also expect that at least one, if not more of
>nations, will simply be abandoned by nations which cannot afford to build
>platforms. This is where we can step in, buying the country out. We could
>plan ahead on this and work out an agreement with some island nations ahead
>time that we would get the capital to build sea structures in return for
> Michael Lorrey
> Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
>MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
>How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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