Net Difference = 0 ?

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Wed Jun 24 1998 - 19:53:43 MDT

On 6/25/98, Gerhard Kessell-Haak wrote:

>Ian, am I correct to state that your theory can be summed up as follows?
>net difference = | (A - B) | - | (B - A) | = 0 ?

 IAN: The net difference between a and b is:

          (a - b) + (b - a) = 0

 Zero mechanics might be properly defined as
 a subset of holism, as, for example, even if
 the difference between all the numbers in the
 matrix didn't sum to 0, each attribute of each
 identity is still derived by relation from
 identities external to given identity A:

                0 1 2 3
            0 | 0 1 2 3 |
              | |
            1 |-1 0 1 2 |
              | |
            2 |-2 -1 0 1 |
              | |
            3 |-3 -2 -1 0 |

    ( The ID matrix finds all identity
      attributes of the numbers along
      the top as derived by the relations
      of those numbers to themselves,
      listed again along the left side.

    All identity attributes of 3 are listed
    below the 3 on the top. For example, 3
    is 3 relative to 0, 3 is 2 relative to
    1, and 3 is 0 relative to 3. As we can
    see, 3 requires all things not-3 for 3
    to have any attribute of identity; and
    therefore A requires not-A for A to be
    whatever it is as much as A requires A. )

 Or it may follow that if any + attribute was
 not paired with a -, that then we have a free
 attributes, an attribute NOT derived by relation,
 and therefore "zero mechanics" = "holism" by 100%.

 In the matrix, each identity generates a pair
 or pairs of identity attributes across the whole,
 and no attribute is derived free from relation.
 1 is 1 relative to 0, and all n follow that form.



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