Looking for mentor..

From: Stephen Mark Ruiz (sruiz@post.cis.smu.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 24 1998 - 16:45:13 MDT

Sender: owner-extropians@extropy.com
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: extropians@extropy.com

I'll make this brief, I'm new to this extropy thing, and I'm looking for
a mentor who I can inteact with and learn from. I am coming from the
cyber-youth gone mad, techno music making, web designer by default,
school of thought. In fact, the first thing I remember reading about
extropy was in
M2K a few years ago...so if there's anyone who can relate and would like
to be a big brother/sister to an extopy orphan, it would be a great help.

s t e p h e n k a m e l e o n

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