RE: Near-Term Scenarios

From: Jones, Spike (
Date: Sun May 10 1998 - 18:19:00 MDT

cool thread, gburch! as one whose work is in astronautics, i would submit
that the biggest change of many years is coming: access to orbit will
much more affordable. this is coming not because of any new ideas in
propulsion, but because so many countries are now weighing in with launch
vehicles. i suspect that light payloads (1000 kg or less) will see a
dramatic reduction in cost, probably to go as low as a couple thousand bucks
        per kilo in low earth orbit. that changes everything... i expect we
will see
        those kinds of numbers by 2005..... spike

> ----------
> From: GBurch1
> Reply To:
> Sent: Friday, May 8, 1998 6:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Near-Term Scenarios
> Its been a while since we've discussed concrete scenarios of
> technological,

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