RE: Contacting God

From: Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Date: Sat Apr 25 1998 - 04:43:58 MDT

> From: James MacPherson <>

> I disagree with sending a scientist as a first contact.
> I would think that the first priority with ETs would be to a establish
> "friendly" relationship to ensure that the human race is not considered be
> expendable, enslavable, etc. This would mean sending sending the best
> diplomat available. A diplomat would be able to quickly and fully
> understand the motivation for the contact and the political situation the
> human race is about to step into. The potential to adapt politically to
> the situation would require a certain amount of moral and ethical
> "flexibility" that is the forte of diplomats not scientists.

For some possibilities on this -- and a darn good set of books, too,
in my opinion -- check out the "Starbridge" novels by Crispin et al.
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