Holistic ID & Relativity

From: Ian Goddard (igoddard@erols.com)
Date: Fri Mar 20 1998 - 07:54:43 MST

Someone wrote:

>>Even Einstein used the same "Identity"definition...)

  IAN: Relativity proves the holistic nature
  of identity: an identity attribute of a thing
  is its state of motion, its velocity. The motion
  of A relative to A is always 0, just as the identity
  of A relative to A is 0. The motion of A is derived
  not from A but from the relation of A to not-A, just
  as the identity of A is derived not from A but from
  the relation of A to not-A. It's so obvious and per-
  fectly consistent. Self-relation is null, is 0. All
  identity attributes are derived by the relation of
  A to things that are different than A. This claim
  of identity I make is physically proven, the evi-
  dence for it is virtually unlimited. The evidence
  for the atomist theory of identity is universally
  contradicted, and yet it is the prevailing theory.
  It is a crackpot meme that has infected the mass.

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