Higher intelligence

From: John Dale (johnd@northlink.com)
Date: Mon Mar 09 1998 - 01:45:58 MST

Dear Friends,

        British author and lecturer Anthony Blake (The Intelligent Enneagram,
Shambhala 1996) is circulating the note below for comments
and possible co-participants in events exploring the theme
of communicating with higher intelligence.


Below is a sketch of a perspective on the theme of higher
intelligence which we might address in some future event.

The idea is that our understanding of communication with
higher intelligence must depend on our view of what that
intelligence 'is'. John G. Bennett [The Dramatic Universe,
4 vol] spent considerable time opening up this question,
and I have tried to follow some of his remarks to the
effect that now we can address what this intelligence is in
a way that was not possible before. Certainly we can at
least separate out the background of religious belief
(though not forget it).

You may easily see that this sketch could be the basis of
an interesting book, if any of us had the time to devote to

It is also offered here as a stimulus for thinking of people with
insights into these questions, who might be persuaded to take part in a
seminar devoted to them, or some other similar gathering.

15 Hypotheses

A. The first group concerns the hypothesis of higher intelligence as a
human potential.

       1. The hypothesis of higher faculties at work
       within human beings generally but which most of us
       are not in touch with, largely clustered around (a)
       conscience (moral order and will), and (b) intuition
       (direct perception, intelligence). It is proposed
       that accessing such faculties can make our
       intelligence higher (more moral, or more high

       2. The hypothesis of exceptional people, or
       genius, i.e., higher faculties which exist in only a
       few people. It is sometimes avowed that what we need
       most is the cultivation and utilisation of genius.
       This also can tie in with the future bioengineering
       of higher intelligence.

       3. The hypothesis of co-operative intelligence. If
       and when people 'coalesce' their individual
       intelligences, through consultation, Bohmian
       dialogue, or other techniques, then a higher order
       can emerge.

       4. The hypothesis that artificial intelligence and
       advanced computing will link in the future not only
       indirectly with human modes of social interaction
       (e.g., the internet) but directly with personal
       perception and congnition (enhanced real world
       perception and mental capacity, virtual reality).

       5. The combined hypothesis of a special group of
       people (still basically human) in whom higher
       intelligence is embodied. This is the assertion of a
       'hidden directorate', or hidden masters, who
       influence human affairs through 'sensitive'
       intermediaries. Along with this may be added the
       postulate of an intrinsic social order of

B. The second group postulates an independent class of entities as the
higher intelligence.

       6. The hypothesis of the noosphere. In this
       hypothesis, the natural evolution of the planet
       produces a realm of intelligence that is
       independent of the human population, hence, that
       there is an 'Overmind', Gaia, or some such, arising
       out of physical laws.

       7. The hypothesis of superplanetary but still
       limited intelligences, that the solar system, the
       galaxy, etc., are in some sense, on some scale,
       intelligent entities.

       8. The hypothesis of supernatural intelligence and
       agency involved in evolution and/or in revelation to
       chosen human beings. We note here the two-fold form
       this takes in terms of 'angels' or 'messengers'
       (religion) and a creative or guiding demiurgic intelligence.

       9. The hypothesis of extraterrestrial intelligence,
       ascribed to highly advanced beings of other
       planetary systems or dimensions.

       10. The combined hypothesis of planetary destiny,
       in which it is proposed that every planet with life
       has an ordained destiny differing from any other.

C. The last group of hypotheses concerns intelligence as 'hidden in

       11. The hypothesis of the ancestral wisdom. This
       ancient hypothesis ascribes wisdom or higher
       intelligence to the corpus of the ancestors, from
       whom we may receive guidance.

       12. The hypothesis of intelligence as belonging to
       the future. In this hypothesis, higher intelligence
       is positioned in the future, though a future of a
       special kind. For example, in a cross-over concept
       between hypotheses, some people explain some of the ET
       phenomena as we ourselves coming from our own

       13. The Omega Point theory of Frank J. Tipler, in
       which the future intelligence of general universe
       can reach into and redeem the past.

       14. The hypothesis of higher intelligence as the
       fastest rate of becoming and as belonging to the
       present instant. This is the rarest form of belief
       in higher intelligence.

       15. The combined hypothesis of higher intelligence
       as time itself. In this hypothesis, an attempt is
       made to combine all other hypotheses and begin from
       a starting point that does not distinguish human
       forms of intelligence from others.

D. What remains

There is an open area concerning the 'fact' that higher intelligence is
itself limited and supposes a higher order still. In this, we might also
consider that our very idea of 'higher' might be called into question.
Some evolutionary biologists say that we cannot even call human
intelligence 'higher' than that of any other species.

Tony Blake
If anyone wants to comment personally or offer themselves 
for possible events dealing with these hypotheses, I can be 
reached at johnd@northlink.com.
	John Dale

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