Re: MEDIA: Icon magazine feature in March issue (GA Extropians?)

From: Randall R Randall (
Date: Sun Mar 01 1998 - 19:37:41 MST

On Sun, 01 Mar 1998 20:37:27 -0500 Brian Atkins <>
>Georgia is not as bad as people think :-) Atlanta was just
>ranked the second most wired city or somesuch by Yahoo.
>Unfortunately as far as I can tell I am the only ExI member
>here- are there any lurkers out there from GA?

Yep, but I'm not a member, and not long for GA, as I'm
moving to near Cape Kennedy this summer.

Wolfkin. | ICQ: 3043097
On a visible but distant shore a new image of man,
The shape of his own future, now in his own hands.
                                       | Johnny Clegg

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