FWD/MEDIA: High-tech Firms Seek To End Cap On Foreign Workers

From: Alexander 'Sasha' Chislenko (sasha1@netcom.com)
Date: Tue Feb 24 1998 - 15:14:12 MST

  It's so typical for this so-called planning system to start
handling the situation after it has developed into a very
obvious crisis, that I don't even find it funny anymore...
However, this may be very symptomatic - I suggested this very
scenario to my friend yesterday, with the hope that the
quickening progress of technology will destroy justifications
for at least some restrictions on personal liberty.

Maybe, this is a first step on making highly skilled labor
a globally privileged elite, as the recognition of their
importance, scarcity and exterritorial nature of their work.
(Nature doesn't apply the same territorial restrictions to
tigers and fungi; the governments, so far, have)

This story is taken from:


 Tuesday February 24 10:23 AM EST

 High-tech Firms Seek To End Cap On Foreign Workers

 By Deeann Glamser

 SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft and other high-tech companies,
 which say they face a critical shortage of programmers and
 engineers, this week will ask Congress to eliminate the hiring
 cap on foreign professionals.

 "This has slowly built to a crisis situation this year," Brian
 Raymond, domestic policy manager for the American Electronics
 Association, a trade group representing some 3,000 technology
 companies, said in a recent interview.

 At issue are H-1B visas, allowing non-citizen doctors, computer
 programmers and other professionals to work in the United States
 for up to six years. The visas are used to fill shortages of
 skilled workers, or are for people with extraordinary talents.

 This year, the annual limit of 65,000 H-1B visas is expected to
 be hit by June, with no more issued until Oct. 1, the start of
 the next federal fiscal year.

 Last year, the allotment was gone by September, the first time
 the limit was reached.

 The Senate Judiciary Committee has a hearing scheduled for
 Wednesday on H-1B visas for high-tech workers.

 Microsoft, Texas Instruments Inc. and Sun Microsystems officials
 will testify in favor of repealing the cap.

 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-USA, the

 leading U.S. professional group for electrical and electronics
 engineers, wants to retain the current limit.

 Visa information is sketchy, but 44 percent of pre- application
 certifications -- the requests companies make to the Labor
 Department as a prerequisite for applying for an H-1B visa -- in
 fiscal 1997 were for computer occupations, up from 25 percent in
 fiscal 1995.

 The next-largest category in fiscal 1997 was physical therapists,
 at 26 percent of requests.

 The Information Technology Association of America, a trade
 association that also opposes the cap, says companies with 100 or
 more employees have 346,000 openings for programmers, systems
 analysts and computer engineers, or 10 percent of the nation's
 3.3 million information-technology jobs.

 Semiconductor maker Texas Instruments hires about 150 H-1B visa
 holders a year, 10 percent to 15 percent of its annual technical

 Most are graduate students at U.S. universities and become
 residents here. The majority are from Taiwan and India.

 "These employees are critical. We depend greatly on electrical
 engineering talent to build our products," said Stephen Leven,
 Texas Instruments director of worldwide human resources.

 Intel also wants the cap repealed. It hires 300 to 400 foreign
 design engineers a year, almost a third of the design engineers
 it hires annually and about 4 percent of the slightly more than
 10,000 people it hired in 1997.

 As at Texas Instruments, most are graduate students sponsored by
 the company for residency.

 Visa-limit proponents say more U.S. students are enrolling in
 engineering and computer sciences as job prospects surge, and
 older employees can be retrained for the changing job market.

 "We really believe there is a sufficient amount of people to
 satisfy needs in the U.S.," said Paul Kostek, a Seattle- based
 consultant and president-elect of the Institute of Electrical and
 Electronics Engineers-USA.

 Norman Matloff, a computer science professor at the University of
 California at Davis, said companies exacerbate the worker
 shortage by requiring very specific skills for each job and
 preferring males in their 20s and 30s.

 "They want them young, and with the latest, hot technology, "
 Matloff said. "For experienced programmers, learning a new
 language is no big deal."

 He said visa workers earn less on average than their U.S. peers
 and are unlikely to leave a company sponsoring them for permanent

 Microsoft has not released its H-1B figures, but says a mix of
 cultural backgrounds is critical in a global marketplace.

 "It's important for us to hire the most appropriate workers to

 compete," said Microsoft spokesman Jim Cullinan.

Alexander Chislenko <http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/home.html>

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