Re: Julian Simon and cryonics

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*
Date: Sat Feb 14 1998 - 10:59:58 MST

I couldn't agree more. Thanks for the report from direct experience, Kathryn.

He is sorely missed.

At 01:11 PM 2/13/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Thank you for the information about Julian Simon, Max. I get the
>impression that he did at least think about cryonics. I met him many
>years ago at some post-lecture cocktail thing, and he was in a
>charming mood, making little bon mots about a variety of topics,
>when someone asked him 'hey, what about that cryonics thing?' He
>stopped for a long moment, and his eyes got serious--I thought he
>was going to say something. Then he turned to me, winked, and
>changed the subject.
>The aspect of this situation that saddens me is last month's study
>results that indicate that persons suffering from untreated
>depression are up to 40% more prone to heart attack. It's not just
>a mental problem--it has serious effects on the body as well. His
>life could have been prolonged if only he had sought proper
>Kathryn Aegis
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