Re: The Milliways Conundrum

From: CountZero (
Date: Sat Jan 31 1998 - 15:09:39 MST

Hash: SHA1

Come now, we _know_ what kind of people are running the government, liars,
thieves and murders.

At 11:32 AM 1/31/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin wrote:
>> > From: Jeff Fabijanic <>
>> <clip>
>> > And I guess that tells you where I stand on the omnivorous scale...
>> I frequently annoy certain veggiefanatics who say "if you ever saw an
>> animal butchered, you'd never eat meat again."
>> And torturing is not part of a competent
>> slaughtering operation. In fact it degrades the quality of the meat
>> (adrenaline or something changes the taste).
>> The federal government was playing tapes of someone TORTURING
>> rabbits.
>Of course, this makes one wonder, given the predelictions of mass murderers
>like Jeffery Dahmer toward animal torture, what sort of people we have
>running the government....where did they get those tapes? Did they make
>them under government contract? Were they made by someone in the office one
>day? Or was it a home based hobby? The fact that the press simply took
>their claims at face value, that the sounds were the sournds of slaugtering
>rabbits, shows you the competence and gullibility of the establishment
>media to parrot the government line.
> Michael Lorrey
> Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
>MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
>How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?
 Try to think of it as evolution in action.
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