Re: Agricultural Skyscrapers

From: CALYK (
Date: Mon Jan 26 1998 - 18:28:38 MST

In a message dated 98-01-26 18:13:59 EST, you write:

<< Isn't it blindingly obvious that any major advance in energy production,
 which would instantly make a millionaire out of the first guy to get to
 the patent office, can't possibly be "supressed" by anyone, and the
 larger the corporation, the /less/ likely it is that there will be leaks.
 Hell, Texaco couldn't even keep secret that one of their executives
 referred to black employees as "black jelly beans". >>

i dont think its a secret, ive heard that oil companies have bought and hold
dozens of patents for alternatives that would make things better for us, but
make the oil companies lose money, and the same for the car companies, with
alternative engines etc... Ill try and find some examples... as for the
light bulbs, i read an article on it.


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