Re: extropians-digest V2 #380

From: Robin Helweg-Larsen (
Date: Sun Jan 25 1998 - 05:47:56 MST

> In Robotopia, as I have described it, everything will be free for
> everyone, because robots will do all the work, detect human needs and
> demands, acquire the raw materials, build the factories, replicate
> themselves, deliver the bounty to us, and never charge a penny.
> There would be no money. Because there would be no money, there would
> be no taxes. . .and possibly no government.

There will always be money (or some medium of exchange) because there will always be more desirable and less desirable places to live ("live" in whatever
contradictory senses as things diversify and evolve).

Government (in the sense of an accepted mechanism for arbitration with the power to enforce its rulings, if nothing else) will always have a use.

Taxes, in one form or another, seem to cover pretty well any way you can think of paying for government.

Robin HL

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