Re: dimensions

From: CALYK (
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 23:21:37 MST

In a message dated 98-01-14 23:29:36 EST, you write:

<< danny <calyk@aol> writes
 : Im wondering, do the 10 dimensions include the 0 dimension,
 : making 11 total? (0-point, 1-line, 2-plane, 3-d etc..)
 If you like, but the "0 dimension" adds no dimensionality,
 because it has no variation.
 The Cartesian product of a line (d=1) and a line (d=1) is a plane (d=2).
 The Cartesian product of a line (d=1) and a point (d=0) is a line (d=1).
 Anton Sherwood *\\* +1 415 267 0685 *\\*

and the product of a point and a point is a line
if a point isnt a dimension and a line is, what is a point?
i very much think that a point is a dimension. dimensions dont start with a
line, they start with a point i think, or maybe something else.

if you had three points it would be a plane, and 4 would be 3d ....(if they
were randomly placed within 3d space, but what if they were randomly placed
within a 4d space? What is a 4d space? time? it seems that would also include
movement and growth) It seems a point would exist within all dimensions.


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