Re: Dimensions

From: CALYK (
Date: Tue Jan 13 1998 - 22:24:59 MST

In a message dated 98-01-13 23:58:18 EST, you write:

<< At one time 26 dimensions were in vogue, but now the most popular
 Theory postulates that all "elementary" particles are made up of one
 dimensional strings that vibrate in 10 dimensions of space-time, 9 of space
 and 1 of time. The reason we don't notice the other 6 spatial dimensions in
 everyday life is that they are curled up so tightly that they only become
 significant when you approach the Plank Length of 10^-33 cm. Not much
 experimental evidence for this idea yet, but it's really just a work in

Michio Kaku wrote a book called Hyperspace thats about the 10 dimensions, i
havent read it yet though, altho ive heard an interview with him. Im
wondering, do the 10 dimensions include the 0 dimension, making 11 total?
(0-point, 1-line, 2-plane, 3-d etc..)


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