Re: Subject: God

From: Estacado66 (
Date: Sun Jan 11 1998 - 12:35:34 MST

In a message dated 1/11/98 7:43:20 AM, you wrote:

<< Popper (a humanist agnostic) suggests that there are two forms of
     religious thinking:
     [1] "Dominate or prostrate yourself" -- (unacceptable): or:
     [2] "Always remember that -- while men are not gods -- each has a
     divine spark."
     I may have said this before hereabouts, but it bears repeating.
     "We are all divine sparks of the Flame Imperishable." >:-}


   I recommend that you read the interview with Popper in John Horgan's
book _The End of Science_ to get an idea of what a bumbling idiot
Popper appears to be. I would thoroughly dissect his reasoning before
you make any conclusions based on his thoughts.


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