It's What It's Not

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Fri Jan 02 1998 - 11:12:50 MST

        What It's Not Is What It Is

        It is the darkness that
        makes the light so bright
        it is the light that makes
        the darkness so dark

        It is the high that
        makes the low so low
        it is the low that
        makes the high so high

        It is the fast that
        makes the slow so slow
        it is the slow that
        makes the fast so fast

        It is the good that
        makes the bad so bad
        it is the bad that
        makes the good so good

        It is there that
        makes here here
        it is here that
        makes there there

        It is what it is not that
        makes it what it is, so what
        it is not is also what it is

        A = not-A = A = not-A = A

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->

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