Re: USA collapse (was: why a gun)

From: CountZero (
Date: Wed Dec 17 1997 - 10:14:07 MST

Michael Lorrey wrote:

> Hal Finney wrote:
> >
> snipp...
> >
> Where does this leave us? Well, the government has yet to get it through
> its thick skull that the world has changed, that it can no longer be the
> big bully it has been for a large part of this century. Because of this,
> everytime a citizen gets up and stands on his or her rights, and backs
> them up with personal force, the government treats that person like an
> enemy of the people that either needs to be reeducated or destroyed.
> THis is creating a vicious cycle of resistance and repression that
> replicates the sort of practices advocated by revolutionary manuals read
> by leftist terrorists and guerrillas around the world. The object of
> such practices is to advocate repressive policies. THis ticks off a
> small, nutty percentage of the population, which actively resists and is
> widely publicized by the government media organs to justify the
> enactment of even more repressive policies, which causes more
> resistance, and so on and so on until you are left with either a fascist
> government, or civil war.
> Government cannot help itself in this system, it is built to protect
> itself, discourage competition, and perpetuate and grow its power and
> reach. It is an unintelligent collection of self perpetuating memes, and
> unless a leader able to inspire enlightened thought is able to wake the
> electorate up as to the cycle that is being bred, this cycle will
> degenerate to chaos or darkness. This is the difficult thing, for such
> individuals through history have typically been corrupted by power just
> enough to take advantage of the situation to attain empire. We are in a
> post republican death spiral, that will either end in corporate
> dissolution, corrupt transformation to empirical fascism, or enlightened
> transformation into a state the likes of which has yet to be seen in
> history.
> --
> Michael Lorrey
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
> MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

  I'd have to say both as an extropian and a gun owner the Mike is probably
 dangerously close to being right.
  The major hope that I have is the runaway DELTA(tech) will overwhelm
 the darker possibilities.

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