National Security Supersedes Constitution--Police State in Place?

From: James Daugherty (
Date: Fri Dec 05 1997 - 05:38:32 MST

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Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 1:01 AM
Subject: Conspiracy Nation

| Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11 Num. 48
| =======================================
| ("Quid coniuratio est?")
|In *Above Top Secret* (ISBN: 0-688-09202-0), author Timothy Good
|describes a British government mechanism known as a "D-Notice":
| A D-Notice is a formal letter of request circulated
| confidentially to newspaper editors, warning them that an
| item of news, which may be protected under the [British]
| Official Secrets Act, is regarded by the defense
| authorities as a secret affecting national security. It
| has no legal authority and can only be regarded as a letter
| of advice or request, but it warns that "whether or not any
| legal sanction would attach to the act of publication,
| publication is considered to be contrary to the national
| interest."
| ...since a D-Notice warns an editor that publication of a
| given news item may violate the [Official Secrets] Act, the
| effect is similar to censorship.
|Does the United States have some sort of similar mechanism? Has
|the U.S. government ever contacted prominent news outlets,
|suggesting that pursuit of a particular story could adversely
|affect national security? At least one instance comes to mind:
|ABC News had reportedly been set to air a story on how the U.S.
|government seems to have had prior knowledge that the Murrah
|Building in Oklahoma City was about to be bombed. The story was
|pulled at the last minute, however, reportedly due to concerns
|that its airing might greatly weaken and even topple the U.S.
|In "The Secret Report and the Death Warrant" (CN 9.02), Sherman
|H. Skolnick describes how the late Vincent Foster was employed
|for years by the National Security Agency (NSA), and may have
|been doing some "freelance" work on the side:
| The report goes on to show that since the early 1980s,
| Foster held the equivalent rank of Military General with
| the super-secret satellite spying and code-cracking
| operation of the U.S., the National Security Agency [NSA].
| Foster continued this work for the few months before his
| death in the Clinton White House. Travelling for NSA,
| hundreds of thousands of miles, Foster was the master-mind
| of an NSA Project that tracked wire transfers between banks
| worldwide -- trillions of dollars per day, of banks both
| friend and foe. Because of being on top of this
| enterprise, Foster never believed that project might
| someday find his purported foreign secret coded accounts
| that could finger him as having violated various American
| espionage laws.
|Skolnick's allegations are corroborated in a classic series of
|reports by J. Orlin Grabbe, "Allegations Regarding Vince Foster,
|the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying." [1] Further support
|for claims that Vince Foster was a high-ranking NSA official
|appear in a story in the May 15, 1996 Washington Times newspaper
|("Spy Agency Holds Large File On Foster," by Bill Gertz.)
|Referring to revelations contained in the April 24, 1996 issue of
|Strategic Investment newsletter, the Washington Times article
|reports that "secret documents held by the electronic spying
|agency [NSA] indicate Mr. Foster's death was a matter of 'highly
|sensitive national security.'"
|There's that word: "national security." Was Foster's death a
|"national security" matter and, for that reason, were prominent
|news outlets in the U.S. given some version of the "D-Notice?"
|That would explain why most mainstream journalists here have been
|so remarkably blind regarding inconsistencies surrounding
|Foster's supposed "suicide." Furthermore, given that Foster was
|a high-ranking NSA employee and had apparently violated his trust
|by engaging in espionage, it ought to be considered whether
|Foster had been secretly sentenced to death by some sort of
|secret tribunal. A clue to this possibility is found in Dr.
|Stanton Friedman's book, *Top Secret/Majic* (ISBN:
|1-56924-741-2). Friedman writes about mere =civilians= and
|the possible extreme penalty they can be subject to for
|violations of "national security":
| Civilians unfortunate enough to be caught up in the
| security web were made to sign silence agreements ending
| with the phrase "upon penalty of death" according to a
| witness who very quietly spoke to me about it after a
| lecture.
|If a civilian can potentially be secretly found "guilty" and
|sentenced to death, then the same fate could definitely await
|high-ranking NSA officials who violate their trust and engage in
|But why, if Foster had been secretly sentenced to death, was the
|sentence executed so sloppily? Surely NSA could have done a
|neater job of terminating the errant Foster. Widely reported as
|a deep-level cohort of Foster was Hillary Rodham Clinton. If Ms.
|Clinton had been involved in Foster's alleged espionage, then a
|poorly executed termination of Foster might have been designed to
|embarrass the First Lady, weaken her influence, and thereby
|incidentally punish her as well.
|--------------------------<< Notes >>----------------------------
|[1] Grabbe's reports are archived at
| + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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| of Conspiracy Nation, nor of its Editor in Chief.
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