Re: New option: Leave Extropians as is, start exi-members list

From: Harry S. Hawk (
Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 10:06:43 MST

> seems to be slipping further and further into a quagmire of internal
> turmoil, and a general myre of postings not even remotely related to
> the thematic trajectories of what had

I've been on the list since it's inception and managed it for
sometime. I don't accept the view of a "quagmire of internal turmoil."
The Institute is self has never been been healthier, stronger or more

The list only reflects those who are on it and the many roles that it
serves and there are many. There are many easy ways to improve the
list's S/N. Here is one: hire a few Phd's to screen each post and
charge enough for the list to cover that cost.

Given the clear goal that the list should be effective for the
institute w/out taking resources away from it my previous suggestion
is clearly not a good one. Nor would be in the inverse which would be
to allow anyone to post on any topic.

Given that some middle ground must be met and that those involved are
smart, well spoken and sometimes aggressive people with differing
views you can see that any changes to the list and the list it self
can bring conflict.

If there is any Quagmire it's that there isn't a separate list for the
meta discussion of the list and that those who want basic list
resources have no way to avoid the "good fight about the list"


Harry S. Hawk

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