Re:The Prometheans -- The Promethean Institute / Foundation

From: Arjen Kamphuis (
Date: Sat Nov 22 1997 - 08:08:21 MST

>Tony Hollick, LightSmith wrote:
> Done!!! I claim my $100!!!
> "The Prometheans" :- and 'The Prometheus Foundation.'
> Accept your destiny... >:-}

Thanks for the idea, we have put you on the list (getting longer and longer)
We shall 'accept' nothing ;-), but you should not take that as personal
critique. We're wired that way (most on this list I guess...)


     _/ _/
    _/ Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, _/
   _/ for they shall never ceased to be amused. _/
  _/ _/

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