GovtMedia -- Ipso Facto

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 05:51:40 MST

Abraham Moses Genen ( wrote:
>>Dear Fellow Extropians:
>>Having read Mr. Goddard's speculations, conjectures ( and possibly
>>paranoid delusions)repeatedly, may I respectfully suggest that he
>>consider reading Aristotle on scientific method followed by
>>Blackstone on the rules of evidence.

  IAN: The FACT is that the major media
  will not present any of the evidence
  suggestive of Navy-culpability, but
  instead will only spread disinforma-
  tion about that evidence and those
  presenting it. The FACT is the media
  will only favorably and even unquest-
  ioningly present the government's line.

  For a libertarian or Extropian to fail
  to see this and fail to be concerned
  is a tragedy. The de facto nationaliza-
  tion of the major media should be a
  a topic of great concern. The means
  by which it occurs, I believe, is
  government contracting and economic
  benefits between the entities that
  own major media establishments and
  the government, resulting in an eager-
  to-please-the-govt attitude on the
  part of media establishments. The
  solution to this massive problem is
  to abolish govt monetary intake by 95%.

  While you and others have had your
  heads in the sand, FLIR (Forward Look-
  ing Infrared) video has been leaked
  via former CIA head Bill Colby (found
  dead shortly thereafter), about which
  multiple FLIR experts agree shows
  automatic machine-gun fire going into
  the Branch Davidian community prior
  to and as the fire breaks out. This
  FLIR is filed in court, in the case
  against the govt for wrongful death.
  There is no question of authenticity.
  While the Washington Post did a very
  good report on the Waco FLIR, how many
  of the major media on TV have covered
  this compelling evidence of FBI mass
  murder? Zero. Is this not a problem?

  Is a media that refuses to disclose
  evidence that the FBI committed mass
  murder, but instead continues to pump
  out the FBI line serving the public
  interest? I'd say definitely NOT! The
  media serves only the govt's interest.
  This is a BIG problem! This is a sign
  post on the road to serfdom.

  The media and you may be able to heap
  lie and ad hominem on those that have
  promoted the Navy-missile theory, but
  lies and ad hominem are not logical
  arguments, they are illogical and are
  prima facie evidence of an effort to
  squash freedom of inquiry.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->

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