Re: HUMOR: Culture-like shipnames

From: Michael Butler (
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 10:35:32 MST

OK, that tears it.

I have a really bad name I've always wanted to use. I envision a corvette
assigned to seed-spreading under hostile conditions: Part warship, part

_Penis of Willingdork_ (an obvious consort to the Fertility Goddess class
megaterraformer _Venus of Willendorf_, though under hostile conditions the
names are too similar. Operational names are _Dick_ and _Jane_.)

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997 GBurch1@AOL.COM wrote:

> What a GREAT thread! Here's some more:
> Fertility Goddess
> Complexity
> Fertilizer
> Gardner

How about "Earl Stanley"?

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