In Defense of Goddard

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 02:54:37 MST

      (free to forward and copy with attribute)

        T V P R O D U C E R D E F E N D S

        E X - M I S S I L E T H E O R I S T

    (c) 1997 Ian Williams Goddard

    Keith Cornell, Senior Editor of the NBC program
    Unsolved Mysteries, in response to CNN's charge
    that Ian Goddard's promotion of the TWA 800 Navy-
    missile theory was a "sham," states that Goddard
    "honestly believed" the theory and held a "fair-
    minded receptiveness to conflicting opinion."
    With that in mind, Mr. Cornell observes:

       Regardless of political bent, this is
       not characteristic with the sort of
       intransigence one normally associates
       with "agenda"-driven conspiracy advocates.

    Therefore Goddard is neither fraud nor fanatic.
    Unsolved Mysteries is not out to promote the
    Navy-missile theory; in fact, they did a program
    that was very critical of the Navy-missile theory.
    In his defense of Goddard, Mr. Cornell concludes:

       In short, while I believe that the
       "Friendly Fire" theory is wrong, I
       have never thought that Ian Goddard
       was deliberately perpetuating a "sham".

    Here is Mr. Cornell's message to Ian Goddard, for
    which permission to republish has been granted:

       FROM: Keith Cornell
       TO: Ian Goddard
       DATE: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 20:46:41 -0500 (EST)

       Although Pierre Salinger was unavailable
       to us during our brief production schedule,
       I contacted you for a possible on-camera
       interview. During our telephone conversation,
       I challenged you on a few key conflicts
       apparent in Salinger's public interpretation
       of the alleged radar photos. It was at this
       point that you began to express doubt in the
       strength of this evidence, and concern that
       Mr. Sallinger had not discussed the photo-
       graphs with you before giving his statement
       to the press.

       Subsequently, you and I came to a mutual
       conclusion that you were not adequately pre-
       pared to represent the "friendly fire theory"
       on camera, and we chose to proceed using news
       coverage from Salinger's European press con-

       It seemed to me at the time that you hon-
       estly believed in your theory, while main-
       taining a fair-minded receptiveness to con-
       flicting opinion. Regardless of political
       bent, this is not characteristic with the
       sort of intransigence one normally associ-
       ates with "agenda"-driven conspiracy

       In short, while I believe that the "Friendly
       Fire" theory is wrong, I have never thought
       that Ian Goddard was deliberately perpetuat-
       ing a "sham".

    Hay, not everyone in the major media is out to get
    me. Let's hope that Mr.Cornell does not get fired.

    I had never seen the actual radar images until I saw
    them on the Paris Match webpage. The radar tapes were
    in the possession of Richard Russell, which is why I
    told Mr. Cornell I was neither ready nor qualified
    to speak on them for his television program.

    Ian Goddard <>


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