Why Microsoft is a Threat to Freedom

From: Arjen Kamphuis (mountain@knoware.nl)
Date: Mon Nov 03 1997 - 16:32:36 MST

This is the current lead article from the 'Boycott Microsoft Website'.
There's much more. Make sure to check their monopoly clock, it's now 11:54,
at midnight consumer choice will be gone.


           Why Microsoft is a Threat to Freedom

           It's bad enough to have a company
           sell shoddy products, stuff that should
           never have seen the light of day, or that should
           have been permanently recalled. It's bad enough
           to have a company get away with this for years,
           even making billions of dollars in immoral profits from
           its defective merchandise. Further, it's bad enough to
           have this company held in high esteem by its clever
           manipulation of the press, the educational system, and
           the politicians.

           But what really hurts is that this company,
           Microsoft, will never be satisfied no matter how much power,
           influence, and money it accumulates. This is because the head
           honchos at Microsoft exhibit a compulsive need for control that
           is the epitome of megalomania, a paranoid approach to all of
           life's challenges. This is a company whose stated goal is 100%
           control of every market it enters, and it enters a new market
           every time it finishes devouring the previous one.

           What, you may say, is the harm in such "success?" Well, do we
           feel good that Russia has only Aeroflot? Are we complacent
           when a single religion holds sway over a state or a country?
           Don't we feel a sense of urgency, a fear of loss of freedom, if
           one political party begins to have too much power in congress
           or other branches of government?

           Ah, but this is just business, you may say. Microsoft is not some
           kind of cult or party with an agenda, is it? It's just about making
           money and increasing its market share, right? That's the
           American way!!

           Except the market for information is not supposed to be for
           sale. The market for information is supposed to be the ultimate
           free market, and the very design of government in the U.S. has
           always been about ensuring some degree of "free press" and a
           diversity of opinions. Will that freedom be maintained if one
           company controls the tools by which the press, the media, the
           information channels we depend upon, get their job done?
           Would we accept the notion that we would be guaranteed
           freedom of choice if these tools were owned by a Jerry Falwell
           or a Richard Nixon?

           America's great blind spot today is its affection for commercial
           giants, big business wheeler-dealers like Ted Turner, Steve
           Jobs, Bill Gates, and other public figures. It seems like these
           folks have free pass to control as much of the media and the
           educational system as they want, because they don't profess
           any particular ideology. Maybe that's the key: they have an
           ideology of nothingness, of emptiness, of merely the voracious
           desire to accumulate power for its own sake. This is an
           ideology of codependency, a dependency upon marketplace
           acceptance. A single holdout who decides he or she does not
           want what this person offers is viewed, not as an open mind, but
           as a stain, a spot to be removed, a defective element in an
           otherwise perfect demographic monolith.

           It is this ideology of squashing freedom of choice at all costs --
           because freedom to choose something else means rejection is
           always possible -- which is the heart and soul of not just
           Microsoft, but the entire business world today. The difference
           between Microsoft and other companies, though, is that the
           tools used to control public perception, the tools of information
           exchange that corporations need to regulate the markets they
           control, are increasingly being held by Microsoft: digital
           television, Internet software, PC systems, and more and more
           educational products and toys. If Big Business is a boss,
           Microsoft is the Boss of All Bosses.

           The threat to freedom is not merely that a religious cult or a
           band of political whackos will take control; rather, it is just as
           probable that a band of ruthless, greedy control freaks who use
           commerce instead of crime, who use information instead of
           guns, will exert a cultural influence that will produce a
           made up exclusively of morally impotent wimps. Greed and
           powerlust are agendas just as religious in their nature as any
           form of theology, and even more dangerous to freedom.

           The threat is real; the solution, a bitter pill to swallow: like a
           junkie going cold turkey, businesses who have invested deeply
           in the Microsoft agenda must pull out. Now. Completely. At all
           costs. Short-term results may be troublesome, but the long-term
           results of freedom of choice have always been greater than the
           short-term benefits of appeasement and immediate
           gratification. A little lesson from history explains why.

           First they came for the DOS users, but I laughed at DOS. So the
           DOS users were consumed. Then they came for the OS/2
           users, but I never tried OS/2. So the OS/2 users were
           consumed. Then they came for the Apple users, but I wasn't an
           Apple user. So the Apple users were consumed. Then they
           came for the UNIX users, but I didn't understand UNIX. So the
           UNIX users were consumed.

           Then they came for me, but there was nobody to stand up for
           me. So I was consumed as well.

There's a whealth of juicy stories on the company and it's 'products'
If you worrie about having choices and some control about the technology
you will use to access all kinds of info between now and the singularity,
inform yourself.

     Arjen Kamphuis | "Don't be afraid to go out on a limb...
mountain@knoware.nl | that's where the fruit is."

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