Re: Earth's Crystal Core

Date: Thu Oct 30 1997 - 13:49:06 MST

In a message dated 97-10-29 14:08:29 EST, you write:

<< I seem to remember reading an article that stated that the very centre of
 the core was a massive crystal(I think of iron) How was this determined?
 Well, don't quote me on this, but I think either someone shot some time of
 EM radiation through the earth and measured it's distortion on the other
 side (of course, the radiation would be altered differently depending on
 how it entered the grain of the crystal) Hmm... that doesn't sound like a
 very likely scenario now that I think about it. How about this: when an
 earthquake occurs on the other side of the planet, you measure how long it
 takes to go through the diameter of the earth. The time it takes should
 be influenced by the direction the shock wave passes through the crystal.
 Apparently, the arrangement of the domains of this large iron crystal
 explain the earth's large magnet field. Also, one could explain pole
 shift(not the kind Danny was talking about!) by the inversion of this iron
 crystal, which might be induced by some external magnetic field... a large
 metallic asteroid? Sorry I'm being so vague... has anyone else read the
 article to which I am poorly alluding?

Hi, Ive read it somewhere too but cant recall why they think its a crystal.
 A majority of their knowledge comes from earthquakes and hydrogen/nuclear
explosions, and I've read a different article (discover(y?) magazine) on how
they now know from waves from things like that, that the surface of the outer
core is very jagged, definately not smooth, but they didnt say anything about
a crystal, so puting the two together I've always thought of the outer core
to be a crystal and the inner core being a much denser crystal, and the
mantle being an ocean with currents and such playing off the energies of the
core. The dynamic relationship between the two crystals and the mantle must
be very interesting.


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