Re: Extropian Principles reading list

From: The Low Golden Willow (
Date: Tue Oct 14 1997 - 14:09:00 MDT

} Max:
} >Any other especially good books on organizational structures?

This is more along the lines of society/economics, but _I'd_ recommend
Jane Jacobs. Maybe not for a core list, but I'd recommend her in
general. _Death and Life of Great American Cities_ is a deep analysis
of how cities work, as complex systems, and is said to have overturned
the urban planning movement. _Cities and the Wealth of Nations_ has
some interest pragmatic libertarian arguments: large nation-states
stifle their own economies and would do better as trading city-states.
Secession as economic reproduction, in addition to economic growth.

Merry part,
 -xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) <*>

Beneath these hills great heroes lie
Of the Red Branch Knights and their ancient foe.
In still of night the immortals fight
But never the battle is won.

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