Re: Is cryopreservation a solution?

From: Prof. Jose Gomes Filho (
Date: Tue Sep 16 1997 - 10:51:29 MDT

At 20:03 11/09/97 -0700, Geoff Smith <> wrote:

>I would say there is a self, but it is not a state. It is a history of
>states and changes of state, with the potential for even more

Using the avaiable language's auxiliary of all, named "mathematics", we
could just say: self(t), t in ( -oo , +oo ) <considering, simplifiedly, t
real and not complex...>.

?-----> is Self(t) a vector space ?? what means an operator in such space
??? (i'm not kidding... in a near future even the psichologists will
understand this... or there will be just neuroscientists...and




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