RE: Solutions (Was Extropians (Protestants in disguise?)

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Mon Sep 15 1997 - 10:17:19 MDT

     Arjen Kamphuis made the suggestion:
     Could we maybe, sort-of turn all the political threads into
     problem-solving-oriented discussions?
     Rick Knight adds:
     Eliezer, in the more lucid parts of a recent post, also encouraged
     solution-based thinking. I concur. At a certain point, process
     becomes tedious. I think many of us have had a good opportunity to
     vent our frustrations, state our anxiety and see how it occurs for
     others. Like most humans, I love a good drama but it's possible to
     intellectually gnash out the semantics indefinitely with no definitive
     action in place.
     Meanwhile, someone has to figure out how to plug the hole in the boat
     that's sinking.
     Often, to the credit of those posting on this list, solutions are
     offered up but they are back-burnered (or overlooked) for the sake of
     the soapboxes being set up <G>. Sounds like Congress a little...

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