Re: Free Markets

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Mon Sep 15 1997 - 10:03:18 MDT

     And I...EvMick...the the ultimate "street person" ...I
     live on the streets.. and Interstates...and back roads...but ...unlike
     the beggars you elevate though...I work for a living...and resent you
     using that term...
     Rick Knight:
     At the risk of igniting a personal melodrama, I must inquire as to
     what you actually resent: "brother" or "homeless" or "street person"
     and why you feel cause to hold resentment when the subject didn't
     reference that of truckers who "work", "contribute" or otherwise
     provide an agreed upon "service" to the community at large.
     If you have a satellite link with a laptop with you on the road, I
     presume you have sleeping quarters in your rig unless you jack in
     through your hotel room phone. I presume you have money (which you
     earn for the service you provide) to stop at a truck stop (or anywhere
     else) and feed yourself. I presume you presume upon no one for any
     handouts. I presume you are not cold, wet, disoriented by mental
     illness or drugs you've injected into your veins or snorted up your
     nose. Given those presumptions, I would agree that you are the
     *ultimate* street person <G>.
     Therefore, respectfully, I ask what point are you trying to make in
     stating resentment?

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