Re: Accepting responsibility .

Date: Sun Sep 07 1997 - 13:20:11 MDT

In a message dated 97-09-06 09:17:47 EDT, you write:

<< As to placing responsibility, the responsibility is all ours -
 individually and collectively.
 Don't blame the politicians as much as you blame yourself for choosing to
 give them the power and authority that they can either use productively
 for the benefit of society or abuse to society's detriment. >>
Interesting...I engaged in a "diatribe" against these very same and was
called a "ignorant ideolouge"...

And I didn't vote for ANY winners in recent years...although I did vote...yet
as the non investigations into acknowledged voter fraud in Louisana and
California proves...the system is's all corrupt.

Waterloo, Iowa

"are politicians stupid? or merely evil..."

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