Re: META: Adrian Karth

From: Arjen Kamphuis (
Date: Sat Sep 06 1997 - 16:20:04 MDT

 At 13:23 6-09-97 -0700, you wrote:
>Is anybody else receiveing *dozens* of 'error' postings from Adrian

I sure am, so it's problably all over the list (is this a fair assumption?).
The moderator (or SysAdmin or whaterver) will have to take Adrian's account
off the list or make sure all the 'bounces' are filtered out.
If you have a filtering system in you E-mail program you can set it to
trash any message containing:
 < cc:Mail Link to SMTP Undeliverable Message >

Just trying to help out.
Arjen Kamphuis

      _/ _/
     _/ Dear Lord, give me chastity and self-control. _/
    _/ But not yet my Lord, not yet! _/
   _/ St. Augustine 390 A.D. _/
  _/ _/

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