Who Owns Kids? (was 6-fucked up countries)

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Mon Aug 25 1997 - 08:27:22 MDT

     EvMick wrote:
     My position is that it's none of my business what someone else
     does...with his dog..his property...or his children...however
     reprehensible or noble it may be...as long as I have no
     responsibility...am not damaged....then I have no authority..and would
     be well advised to mind my own business.
     Rick Knight responds:
     One quickly advances into ethical discussions as to the point where
     one decides it necessary to intervene in morally-offensive or
     life-threatening situations. If you see your neighbor abusing his
     dog, do you call the SPCA? If you hear domestic violence in the house
     regularly, do you call the police? If you see your neighbor behaving
     like a voyeur peering out the window with telescope at a neighboring
     window, do you inform the neighbor they are being spied upon? If you
     see your neighbor dumping waste oil down the gutter, do you alert
     environmental authorities? If you know your neighbor's stealing cable
     tv access, do you call the company and report it?
     Everyone has a different line they draw. Any of the situations above
     seem intolerable to me but all would dirive a different reaction for
     me based upon the dynamics of the relationship I had with the
     neighbor, my own sense of safety, etc.. They're not black and white
     for me though they are all essentially ethically inappropriate.
     Until the point where humans in a civilized capacity become
     accountable for their own actions individually, I have to accept some
     ownership of our actions by governmental authorities. Perhaps the
     discussion should be shifted from the questions of involvement and
     ownership to how to we embue accountability on the masses?
     Brain experts, is there an "accountability center" we can regulate?
     (presuming we can agree on what constitutes accountability <G>).

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