Re: extropian kids (opinions from a non-parent)

From: Len Flatley (
Date: Thu Aug 21 1997 - 13:58:02 MDT

On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Darren Reynolds wrote:
> I thought about that, but reckon that the social interaction with other
> children is very important. I so far haven't figured out a way to replace
> what would be lost.

        ooh... to me that is a bit like saying "spare the rod, spoil the
        child" or that hardship breeds character or other such nonsense.
        in an extrme way i'm sure that living through the holocaust, for
        instance, helped produce the fine person that many of the
        survivors had become ... however, there are certainly more
        pleasent ways to do this sort of thing.

        in my own personal experience, lots of friends of mine have either
        been home schooled in some way or had non-traditional educations.
        a good example is one of my best friends that for various reasons
        ceased going to school in the 9th grade. his parents allowed him
        to follow his interests (and they had the ability, financially,
        to do so). he now has a successful music career, does freelance
        graphic design, and is a well adjusted 19 year old. and he has
        no problems interacting with other human beings. this is because
        he was able to pursue his interests at his own speed and interact
        with adults as a human.

        on the other hand, i was forced to interact with adults as a
        2nd class human being (student)... the only things I could pick
        up in public school were fighting, homophobia, xenophobia, being
        a yes man and the other survival skills neccessary to a bipedal
        hominid in the USA. (i'm proud to say i've pretty well gotten
        over all of that.)

        i guess an "extropian viewpoint" on child rearing would be:
        children are influenced, molded by their surroundings. why
        would you subject your children to any system (public school,
        catholic school, hebrew school, the rotary club, the marine
        corps) that is anathema to Extropy?


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