Fw: I will give you Free Horniness

From: Chris Behrens (cbehrens@deltav.net)
Date: Mon Aug 18 1997 - 14:52:55 MDT

I hope it was obvious that this was directed at the author of the email and

not to the list.

Chris Behrens

"Politics is the art of the possible. That is why only
mediocre minds are attracted to it; great minds seek
the impossible."
                                      - Arthur C. Clarke

> From: Chris Behrens <cbehrens@deltav.net>
> To: extropians@extropy.org
> Subject: Re: I will give you Free Horniness
> Date: Monday, August 18, 1997 11:10 AM
> Do not send commercial email to this account. This is a business account,
> and not
> a personal account. No response will be made, and if the emails persist,
> the company
> DELTA V will pursue litigation against you for UCE under code 13 of the
> postal code.
> [no signature]
> ----------
> > From: electron28@hotmail.com
> > To: electron28@hotmail.com
> > Subject: I will give you Free Horniness
> > Date: Sunday, August 17, 1997 9:23 PM
> >
> > Read this and email me if you want to purchase a softback with many
> storys like the one below
> >
> > $10 US is all it will cost you
> >
> > email for more sample stories
> > electron28@hotmail.com
> >
> > For ordering
> > electron28@hotmail.com
> >
> > electron28@hotmail.com
> >
> > I have many ads there as I also sell Pirated Hong Kong software and I
> the largest dealer in the net
> > My Isp is HK star so please check any ip to make sure it is my address
> > I post on newsgroup a few times
> >
> > Jacky
> >
> > My old address is ahfai :):)@hkstar.com but my ISP cancel it for too
> complains
> >
> > Enjoy this NOW
> >
> > To Obey
> >
> >
> > Chapter 1 "Hounded Into Submission 16 year old Cindy for your pleasure"

> >
> > "Ok Melissa, pull up your slip and show Paul your pussy."
> >
> > The command, given to pretty sixteen year old Melissa Andrews by her
> father Dave, was
> > not one a girl her age would normally expect to hear. But then Dave was
> not exactly a
> > normal father. For him the most important trait in a female, especially
> young daughter,
> > was obedience. Absolute. Unquestioning. Immediate. Failure to give it
> earned punishment.
> >
> > The punishments Melissa and her eighteen year old sister Sharon had
> received while
> > growing up had been bad enough. Neither could remember a time when they
> weren't
> > constantly being ordered to bend over and bare for the cane, paddle, or
> strap. Then last
> > summer he'd sent them away to the notorious Hackmoore Girl's
> Academy for
> > even harsher training. It had been a three month nightmare of pain and
> sexual abuse, all
> > requested by, approved, and carefully photo-documented for their
> benefit.
> >
> > And now here he was trying to talk his best friend Paul Winslow into
> sending HIS
> > daughter Cindy off to the very same school, supposedly to cure her
> "stubborn willfulness".
> > And to better make his point he intended to use poor Melissa as an
> example.
> >
> > The three of them were in the living-room of Dave's house. The two men
> were seated on
> > the couch. Melissa was standing in front of them. She'd been ordered to
> dress in her
> > "discipline slip" for the occasion. It was a plain white satin slip,
> down the back and tied
> > closed with ribbons. Additional ribbons formed the straps over the
> shoulders. This
> > allowed the garment to be removed easily over bound hands and feet.
> >
> > "Quickly now. Don't embarrass me in front of Paul." her father
> >
> > Blushing deeply, Melissa raised the hem of her slip a scant couple of
> inches. The way her
> > lithe young thighs were pressed together all Paul could see was the
> top of her cleft,
> > but even that was enough to make his cock throb suddenly to life. Like
> Dave he was into
> > harsh discipline and had a thing for pretty teenage girls. He'd often
> admired Dave's two
> > young daughters, but until now he'd never imagined his friend would
> actually make them
> > show off their sexual charms to him. He hoped he wasn't dreaming.
> >
> > Dave was not impressed by Melissa's efforts. "You can do better than
> that," he snapped
> > in disgust. "Show it right!"
> >
> > Melissa gulped. Her father's tone of voice was unmistakable. Behave or
> get punished. She
> > immediately jerked the him up to her waist and spread her legs wide.
> blush this time
> > was a bright scarlet. Dave was the first to break the long, admiring
> silence that followed.
> > He winked at Paul, a message to play along. "Well, what do you think?"
> >
> > Paul response was carefully casual. "Very pretty. I like the way the
> inner lips peek
> > out around the edges of her slit. Her clit also stands out nicely. If I
> were you I'd make her
> > keep it shaved off like it is now.
> >
> > Dave nodded thoughtfully. "Thanks for the suggestion. I will."
> >
> > They continued to look for another couple of minutes before Dave asked,
> "Ready for the
> > flip side?" Paul managed to tear his eyes away long enough to reply,
> "Sure!"
> >
> > "Ok Melissa. Turn slowly, and keep your legs spread this time! That's
> All the way
> > around. Ok, stop. Now pull that slip up under your arms and bend over.
> No, all the way
> > down. Hands on the floor. Feet a little wider. Wider damnit! That's
> better. Now arch your
> > spine, stick out your ass, and hold it. That's fine."
> >
> > This time Paul's dick wanted to rip right up out of his pants. Never
> he seen a girl so
> > fully exposed. Her pert little round buns yawed wide open, the cleft
> between them
> > reduced to a shallow grove. Her bare sex gaped helplessly, its every
> inner secret fully
> > revealed to his lustful gaze. If she opened her mouth he was sure he
> could see daylight.
> > "Not bad, hunh," Dave asked with just a bit of fatherly pride. "Imagine
> having Cindy
> > trained to do this."
> >
> > Paul cleared his throat, which for some reason had gone suddenly dry.
> "Uh... yeah. Not
> > bad at all." He leaned forward for a closer look. "That sure is a tiny
> little cunthole. She
> > must be real tight."
> >
> > Dave grinned. "As a cat's ass. But that ain't nothing compared to her
> butt. Virgin tight and
> > tender as hell. After what happened to her at that school she hates
> having it
> > touched."
> >
> > Paul looked puzzled. "Oh? What was that?"
> >
> > Dave's reply was a little embarrassed. "Well, actually it's kind of my
> fault. The people at
> > the school have this special treatment that's supposed to tone up the
> muscles. You
> > know, make 'em nice and firm so they don't get stretched out of shape.
> It's a kind of chair
> > with a little metal prong about the size of your thumb sticking up from
> the seat. They run a
> > current through it to make the muscles clench. Kind'a painful,
> if it goes on for
> > very long. Anyway, when I filled out the forms I checked the box for
> "maximum". I didn't
> > know that meant they'd spend a whole day on that prong, getting the
> shocked out of
> > them."
> >
> > "Oh." It was all Paul could think of to say.
> >
> > Paul was so busy admiring the view that he hardly noticed when Dave got
> up and walked
> > out of the room. When he returned he was leading a very large Great
> on a leash. It
> > was Butch, the family pet. "Okay," he said with a flourish, "time to
> demonstrate sexual
> > responsiveness." He turned to his young daughter. "On your hands and
> knees kid,
> > forehead to the floor, and spread 'em wide."
> >
> > Melissa took one look at the huge dog and panicked. She fell to her
> knees. "Oh no
> > Daddy! Please don't make me do it! Not the dog! Not in front of Mr.
> Winslow!
> > PLEASEEE!!!!"
> >
> > Dave's face darkened. "You have just earned yourself one whipping for
> disobedience, and
> > one extra one for misbehaving in front of a guest. Both will be QUITE
> severe. Now get it
> > up here!"
> >
> > With a sob of despair Melissa did as she was told. Head down and ass
> her knees
> > spread wide, her shaved sex gaped in open invitation. Dave unhooked the
> dogs leash and
> > said, "Go boy!"
> >
> > The hound bounded over the girl in two steps. He apparently had done
> before
> > because he went immediately to her plump cleft and started lapping.
> returned to the
> > couch to watch the show.
> >
> > "I think it's interesting to note that Melissa would rather die than
> sexual response to
> > a dog," Dave commented casually. "Especially in front of another man.
> She'll do
> > everything in her power to resist the sensations. She will of course be
> unable to, thanks to
> > all those special female hormones and stimulants the school treated her
> with. She has less
> > control now over her orgasm than she has over breathing. But she'll
> try."
> >
> > Dave was right. Poor little Melissa never had a chance. First her fists
> clenched. Then her
> > hips began to wriggle. She bit her lip to try to stifle the moans. The
> dog was winning.
> > Finally when she knew all was lost she buried her face in her hands and
> let the spasms
> > take her, her hips thrusting helplessly against the probing tongue. It
> went on for a long
> > time.
> >
> > "Damn it Melissa! Back into position!" Dave snapped. "I didn't say you
> could get up."
> >
> > Melissa's tear streaked face turned toward her father. "B... but..."
> >
> > "That makes three whippings you've got coming," Dave hissed. "Now get
> that little ass of
> > yours back in position!"
> >
> > The second one was even worse. Her sex was already wet, swollen, and
> excruciatingly
> > sensitive from her previous orgasm. She writhed and moaned and sobbed
> helpless
> > frustration at the brutally intense sensations streaming up from
> her widely parted
> > thighs. The outcome was inevitable. She wailed helplessly as the second
> set of spasms
> > shook her.
> >
> > Nor did it stop there. Melissa looked up at her father, her eyes
> pleading. He just grinned.
> > She was cumming for the forth time when her mother walked in.
> >
> > Ann Andrews shook her head and just smiled at the sight of her daughter
> and the dog on
> > the floor. She walked over to her husband and kissed him hello. "Hi
> sweetheart," she said
> > cheerfully. "Why hello Paul."
> >
> > "Uh... Hi Ann," he replied, his voice betraying his nervousness. He was
> unsure of how the
> > mother would react to the blatant sexual abuse of her sixteen year old
> daughter. She just
> > smiled. "I see you boys are having a good time."
> >
> > Paul colored slightly and looked uncomfortable. Dave nodded with boyish
> enthusiasm.
> > "You bet. I was just showing Paul the benefits of sending his daughter
> off to that girl's
> > training school. Melissa is helping. Oops! There she goes again."
> >
> > Three pairs of eyes turned to watch Melissa clutch the carpet and
> into another long
> > series of spasms. When they finally passed Ann said, "Well, I hate to
> break up the show
> > but we've got to be at the Henderson's in half an hour for bridge
> >
> > Dave looked thunderstruck. "Oh SHIT! I forgot all about it. And I
> even call the
> > baby sitter." He glanced around wildly, his eyes falling on his friend.
> "Paul! You've got to
> > help me. Stay with the girls for a few hours while we go out. How about
> it?"
> >
> > Paul hesitated, unsure of how to handle this sudden turn of events.
> "Uh... I don't know
> > Dave. I'm not much of a baby sitter." Behind them Melissa suddenly
> out in the throes
> > of yet another orgasm. No one could remember whether it was her fifth
> sixth. Dave
> > paused, thinking. He caught his wife's eye. "Could you excuse us for a
> minute dear? Man
> > talk."
> >
> > When she was gone Dave pulled Paul aside and said, "Listen chum, I can
> see by the bulge
> > in your pants that you're just dying to get at that cute little piece
> teenage ass over there
> > on the floor. Lord knows she's all warmed up for it." Behind them
> moaned as if in
> > confirmation. "And believe me I don't mind. We'll be gone for hours.
> her all you
> > want."
> >
> > It was tempting. Damn tempting. The problem was that deep down inside
> Paul still just
> > couldn't believe Dave really meant what he was saying. Dave squeezed
> arm. "Even
> > better, give her those three whippings I promised her. There's all
> of canes and ropes
> > and things down in the basement. Her sister Sharon's already down
> tied up over the
> > trestle. I was planning to demonstrate a good old fashioned ass
> for you after we
> > finished with Melissa."
> >
> > Paul wavered. "Well..."
> >
> > Dave sighed. "Ok, if it makes you feel any better I'll tell you what
> we'll do. We'll make a
> > deal. A gentlemen's agreement so to speak. That way it'll be fair for
> everybody."
> >
> > "What kind of deal?" Paul asked suspiciously.
> >
> > "You're going to send your daughter Cindy off to the same school my two
> went to, right?"
> >
> > There was no question about that one. Paul had seen more than enough to
> convince him
> > of the school's merits. He nodded.
> >
> > "And when she gets back she'll be just as well trained as mine are."
> >
> > "I suppose so," Paul replied cautiously.
> >
> > "So here's the agreement. You can do anything you want to my two
> daughters tonight.
> > And I do mean ANYTHING! As long as I get to do the same things to your
> daughter
> > some night after she gets back. That way we both know it won't get too
> far out of hand."
> >
> > Paul thought about it. A smile played slowly over his lips. "You know,
> Cindy has been a
> > real pain in the ass lately. Protecting her precious hide from you
> be much of a
> > deterrent. In fact it'll probably have the opposite effect."
> >
> > Dave shrugged. "That's her problem. Deal?"
> >
> > Paul nodded. "Deal?"
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> >
> > Chapter 2 "Getting A Buzz On"
> >
> > The two of them hurriedly stripped off Melissa's slip and carried her
> downstairs to the
> > basement. As promised her eighteen year old sister Sharon was already
> down there, bent
> > naked over the trestle, her pert little ass reared high. She was
> which prevented a
> > lot of unnecessary questions. She was obviously shocked to see to see
> two men
> > carrying her naked, sobbing younger sister into the room.
> >
> > They threw Melissa down on a large four poster bed, spread-eagled her
> face up, and
> > cuffed her wrists and ankles to posts in each corner. A thick pillow
> shoved under her ass
> > elevated her hips. Conveniently placed cranks allowed them to draw her
> body bowstring
> > taut. When they were done her red, swollen cleft gaped helplessly
> skyward.
> >
> > "You should find everything you need in one of those lockers," Dave
> pointing to a
> > row of four cabinets against the far wall. Don't hesitate to use any of
> it." He looked
> > pointedly over at his younger daughter's cruelly elevated midsection
> winked. "Also
> > don't hesitate to use it where you think it'll do the most good."
> >
> > Dave hurried out to get ready for bridge club, closing the basement
> behind him.
> > Before leaving he assured Paul that it was totally soundproof. Just to
> sure he wasn't
> > disturbed Paul threw the heavy inside bolt.
> >
> > That done he began to take stock. Inside one large cabinet was every
> of whip,
> > paddle, strap, cane, and taws imaginable. Another cabinet yielded a
> treasure trove of
> > dildos and vibrators, some impossibly huge and heavily spiked for girls
> the age of Sharon
> > and Melissa. A third was full of bondage devices. A forth held what
> looked like medical
> > instruments and supplies, heavy on the lubricants. Paul gleefully
> his hands together.
> > He was in business.
> >
> > The first thing he looked for was an appropriate vibrating dildo for
> Sharon. He found one
> > that was over ten inches long and about as thick as the girl's wrist.
> had a dozen spiraling
> > rows of short, pointy spikes along it's length, and even better it was
> equipped with a heavy
> > duty AC powered vibration unit. Perfect. He picked it up along with a
> harness and a jar of
> > Vaseline.
> >
> > It took almost ten minutes of pushing and shoving and twisting to get
> dildo buried to
> > the hilt up Sharon's tight little hole. To Paul's delight the poor
> youngster kicked and
> > screamed the whole time, especially when the spikes started digging
> the drum-taut
> > inner walls of her cunt walls. He could actually see the little bumps
> moving up the bulge the
> > dildo was making in her groin.
> >
> > He didn't really need the harness. There was no way the dildo was going
> to come out on
> > it's own. But buy putting it on and cinching it tight between the
> legs he ensured that
> > the head of the phallus would remain pressed hard up into the very back
> of her womb, no
> > matter how violently she bucked.
> >
> > Sharon shook her head frantically when Paul held up the plug, her big
> brown eyes
> > pleading for mercy. The dildo already felt like it was splitting her in
> two. Paul grinned, bent
> > down, and shoved the prongs into a nearby wall socket. Sharon tensed.
> eyes
> > squeezed shut. She held her breath. Nothing happened.
> >
> > A minute later Paul was still scratching his head. He pulled the plug
> and tried the other
> > socket. Still nothing. He walked around and looked at the base of the
> dildo. Ah! There it
> > was. A ring at the base of the dildo with an arrow embossed on it.
> it, etched into
> > the plastic shaft were the words "OFF -- LOW -- MED -- HI -- MAX".
> that was
> > the message:
> >
> > CAUTION! Do NOT use maximum setting for more than 30 sec. at a time.
> Intense
> > discomfort may result.
> >
> > The arrow pointed to "OFF". Paul twisted the ring until it pointed to
> "LOW". The
> > vibration unit kicked on and began to hum in a low, powerful way that
> entirely
> > different from the usual battery operated unit. Sharon squirmed and
> whimpered at the
> > sudden new wave of sensation pouring up from between her legs. She
> at her
> > bindings.
> >
> > Paul had to admit that the sex hormones were wickedly effective. It
> less than a
> > minute for Sharon's first orgasm to start. The moment it hit her Paul
> twisted the ring to
> > "MED" and the hum doubled in volume. So did Sharon's strangled
> She bucked
> > and heaved and tugged uselessly at her bindings as the blinding waves
> pleasure/pain
> > filled her young body. It went on and on until she felt like she surely
> must faint. That's
> > when Paul twisted the ring to "HI".
> >
> > The angry buzz cut through Sharon like a red hot poker. Her sex was
> already sore and
> > swollen from her just finished orgasm. The new assault was more than
> could take. She
> > wailed helplessly, her hips bouncing in wild abandon over the top of
> trestle. Paul let
> > her suffer for a good five minutes before switching up one more notch
> "MAX".
> >
> > The dildo actually thrummed with power as its full potential was
> upon Sharon's
> > helpless sex. If she hadn't been gagged her teeth would have rattled.
> it was it felt like a
> > bare wire had been shoved up her cunt and plugged in instead of a
> vibrator. She
> > screamed. Again and again. Paul just smiled, patted her on her wildly
> jerking ass, and
> > walked off.
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------

> >
> > Chapter 3 "Punished Puss"
> >
> > Paul found exactly what he was looking for in the whips cabinet. A
> martinet with six
> > knotted cords about eighteen inches in length. The dildo cabinet
> a "billy-club", a
> > slim twelve inch rectal invader with a heavily spiked head attached to
> grip fitting handle.
> > The penis gag was in the bindings locker. He still had the Vaseline.
> >
> > Melissa watched him approach with wide-eyed fear. She'd seen what he'd
> done to her
> > sister. She knew she could expect the same. Her voice quavered.
> are you
> > going to do?"
> >
> > Paul sat down on the bed even with Melissa's raised hips and grinned.
> "I'm going to give
> > you the whipping you earned tonight by disobeying your father. Now be a
> good girl and
> > open your mouth."
> >
> > Knowing better than to disobey the pert youngster did as she was told.
> Paul inserted the
> > phallus into her mouth and buckled the strap behind her head. She
> whimpered at the
> > tightness of it.
> >
> > Paul picked up the jar of Vaseline and scooped out a big glob onto his
> fingers. He began
> > to message it into the girl's gaping sex and between her bottom cheeks.
> While he worked
> > he talked. "Tell me Melissa, have you ever been whipped between your
> legs? (Wide eyed
> > shock. Frantic shake of the head.) No? Well in that case you're in for
> real experience.
> > Every girl I've ever done it to absolutely hates it. I'm sure you will
> too. But then that's part
> > of the price you pay for disobedience, isn't it." He bent over to
> his work, then
> > scooped more Vaseline.
> >
> > "Of course this will be a new experience for me as well, since I've
> pussy-whipped a
> > girl your age before. I suspect that you're going to be much more
> sensitive than the women
> > I've tried. Especially after that little bout with the dog." Paul
> at Melissa's blush.
> > "The spread of your legs and your total lack of pubic hair should also
> add to the severity
> > of the pain." He dipped more Vaseline. "In case you're wondering the
> Vaseline is to
> > lubricate your tissues so that the thongs won't cut. They'll still
> just as bad, maybe
> > even worse, but I promise there won't be any damage. I wouldn't want to
> injure a pretty
> > girl like you."
> >
> > By this time Melissa's hips were squirming helplessly. It had been less
> that fifteen minutes
> > since the dog's attentions and she was still wet and fully aroused.
> chuckled. "Good.
> > I'm glad to see you've got some spark left. It always hurts more when
> tissues are
> > swollen with lust."
> >
> > Finally Paul set the Vaseline aside and picked up the dildo. "Do you
> what this is
> > for?" Melissa shook her head. "Before each stroke I expect you to lift
> your hips up off the
> > pillow as high as you can. If you start to forget I'll shove this up
> ass to remind you. Is
> > that clear?" Blinking back tears, Melissa nodded.
> >
> > Paul picked up the lash and turned to face Melissa's cruelly splayed
> The sight of her
> > plump, hairless little pussy with its slit gaping wide and its insides
> wet and swollen was the
> > most erotic thing he'd ever seen. He touched the cords to her pubic
> mount. She obediently
> > raised her hips.
> >
> >
> > Melissa's scream was one of pure, shrill, burning agony. Never in her
> young life had she
> > experienced anything like the white hot pain of the knotted thongs
> into her tender
> > inner tissues. She heaved against her bindings, her legs kicking wildly
> as the terrible
> > sensations between her legs grew and grew. And just when it couldn't
> possibly get any
> > worse, Paul whipped her again. And again. And again.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Paul was having the time of his life. Never had he seen anything so
> beautiful, so powerfully
> > erotic as the way pretty little sixteen year old Melissa reacted to
> having her cunt flogged.
> > The look of shock and pain on her sweet young face was priceless all by
> itself. Then there
> > was the helplessly lewd way her hips danced around on the bed. The
> beautiful red welts
> > that spread across the pale nether lips. And the sounds! The splat of
> lash. The strident
> > shrieks of agony, reduced to soft mewings by the gag. The creak of the
> bed under her
> > bouncing ass. The muffled pleas for mercy. The broken, shuddering sobs.
> It was
> > unbelievable.
> >
> > Poor Melissa foolishly failed to rise for the fifth stroke. This caused
> short but interesting
> > pause while the dildo was rammed up her tight, tender little asshole.
> father had been
> > right about the effects of the training. The poor kid tried to jump out
> of her skin the
> > moment the spiked tip touched the puckered bud of her rectum. She
> strained to the very
> > limits of her bindings trying to escape it, and Paul took full
> of the opportunity by
> > cheerfully lashing the thongs straight down into her wide open cleft.
> dildo sank a little
> > deeper with each stroke.
> >
> > After that Paul had no trouble making the girl arch her pussy up. All
> had to do was
> > reach around her hips and tap the handle of the dildo. She would rise
> like a breaching
> > whale, her sex ripe and open for the lash. The whipping progressed with
> steady, cruel
> > rhythm.
> >
> > Remember now email me the order :) :) I know you have enjoyed this
> >

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