Which cryonics org? (was re: my EXTRO 3 perspective)

From: Brent Allsop (allsop@swttools.fc.hp.com)
Date: Tue Aug 12 1997 - 14:17:56 MDT

Forrest Bishop <forrestb@ix.netcom.com> commented:

> Met Fred and Linda Chamberlain (Alcor booth). Will probably opt for
> this organization.

        and gave the good news:

> Marvin Minsky and Eric Drexler get Alcor bracelets after years of
> prodding from friends.

        It sounds like Alcore is the most popular organization of
choice? How many people select Cryo-Care? Are there archives of
discussions of the differences of the available organizations? This
is a decision I'm trying to make also.

        Forrest, thanks for the exciting summary of your Extro-3
experience. I can't miss this next year.

                Brent Allsop

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