From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 15:39:14 MDT

    T W A 8 0 0 C A S E C O R E

    by Ian Williams Goddard

    In early May, Pierre Salinger received 20 Suffolk
    County Police reports containing the accounts of
    TWA 800 eyewitnesses. They were sent to him by an
    investigative journalist with a popular television
    program who wanted to get his response for their
    coverage of the accounts. Pierre made the reports
    available to researchers. The contents of those
    reports now appear at several Internet websites.

    Since May I have studied and integrated the physical
    events reported in those accounts with other evidence
    in the case to create an animated fact-based scenario
    of the events leading up to TWA 800's annihilation:

    This animated model reveals witness locations, line-
    of-sight launch-point triangulation, and events that
    took place before TWA 800 exploded. Every detail of
    the animation is based upon substantial evidence
    including witness accounts, radar data, and
    physical deformation to the plane:

    The animated scenario is a subset of the "TWA 800
    Case Core" -- a webpage covering the evidentiary
    core of the TWA 800 Navy-missile case:

    It's a graphics intensive page, so allow a few
    minutes to download. Once the animation is down-
    loaded, it should run more smoothly and quickly.

Visit Ian Williams Goddard ------>

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