re: How Memes Work

From: Anton Sherwood (
Date: Mon Aug 04 1997 - 23:05:11 MDT

James Daugherty ding-dongs:
: > > Too bad Extropians never seem to question Dawkins' extreme
: > > reductionism. I have ding donged on this for years, but not lately.

I can't see where James contradicts Dawkins' reductionism.

: > > However, only the rich and powerful segments of a society can make
: > > a new meme operational through a whole culture (hypothesis alert!
: > > Begin testing it!).

: > Counterexample: Kilroy was here. Was started by some soldiers, and
: > was so efficient that it spread across most of the western culture.

: But it wasn't important! "Kilroy" imparted no important
: characteristics to Western Culture.

So? Are "important" memes inherently harder to transmit
than "unimportant" ones?

Anton Sherwood *\\* +1 415 267 0685 *\\*

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