Re: Re[2]: Re[2]: IRS regulations in business

Date: Sat Jul 26 1997 - 19:37:43 MDT

In a message dated 97-07-26 20:31:33 EDT, you write:
Speaking to a retired Guv. (ahem) employee

<< See, the trouble with your position is this. The money you use to do
  your thing has been taken from people. (In the best possible cases) the
 thing you've done seems to have had some visible benefit; but what is
 invisible is the other stuff people could have done with the money you
 took off them in taxes. Think about it. >>

<breaking in rudely>

I've thought about it. I do think about it... I am thinking aboutl it...a

The guv. takes over %50 percent of my income.
The guv. restricts entry into busines by regulation.
The guv thereby chokes off new jobs and increases the cost of living.

At a minimium, were there no guv. meddling, I would have a minimium of four
times the disposable income that I now have......I "guesstimate" that it
would in reality be closer to ten times.

The reasoning follows. The industry in the US (world) which has the least
amount of Guv. meddling is the computer industry. Ref: Moores law...You get
Twice the computer for half the money every 18 months. I take that to be the
NORMAL course of events absent guv meddling.

It is the birthright of everyone to acheive millionaire (billionaire) status
by middle age...given a free economy.The guv meddling stealing
our birthright and only a few manage to acheive it.

Or as the guy drinking coffee two tables over said (no doubt regarding
something else...but entirely appropriate none the less)..."Another
Government Screw-up"....


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