Re: Anarchy and spontaneous order in business and education

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Mon Jul 21 1997 - 21:58:17 MDT wrote:
> [Xerox PARC is working on computer systems that will allow companies to be
> more spontaneous, ubiquitous computing devices keep track of movement of
> people and information and record it. If many people are in the same room,
> the computer classes this as a meeting, the subject of which corresponds to
> information displayed on computers at the time of the meeting. Technology
> like this will allow for less paper work and more creativity and innovation
> (which can't be a bad thing)]

Given how the technology which became the Mac OS started at Xerox Parc
and didn't go anywhere until Apple hired Allen Kay, I am skeptical of
much going on here until it escapes the Xerox corporate culture.....

And who's going to edit this mess into something useful??

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |

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