Let me not be a leaver

From: Rick Knight (rknight@platinum.com)
Date: Fri Jul 18 1997 - 10:58:37 MDT

     Rick Knight wrote (regarding taker/leaver cultures as espoused by
     Daniel Quinn in the book "Ishmael")
      I would regard a third world shepherd as a leaver, a western world
      rancher as a taker. The distinction being on their overall impact on
      the world at large. The shepherd's flock might eat up the grass in a
      meadow which locally may locally impact the population but a modern
     cattle facility can spoil groundwater and produce over abundant
     amounts of methane, not to mention how much grain it takes to feed the
     cattle that one doesn't get back nutritionally or substantively in t=
     he resultant meat or dairy consumption for which the cattle are
     Anton Sherwood replied (no <G>s so I'll have to assume
     Your low-impact shepherds stripped the Mediterranean of its trees
     and enlarged the Sahara.
     and I am compelled to respond:
     Regarding "my" shepherds, do you have any data on how many centuries
     it took for their systematic devistation to take place? If this data
     exists, could you provide me with a correlation on their environmental
     impact vs. the U.S. environmental impact in the last, say, 100 years.
     Yeah, those shepherds, a swarm of locusts they were. And look, <G>.
     Leaver cultures screw up environmental balance quite often but it is
     not planetary in impact. When they (or their herds) consume all that
     is available, it has a direct effect on population since they have
     impacted their own sustainability. But because of their limited
     scope, they presumably do it unintentionally because their focus is on
     day-to-day survival.
     Correlation: the first banks stored grain because somewhere along the
     line someone figured we didn't have quite enough foresight to control
     our consumption. Of course we were good at burning and pillaging back
     then as well. The idea to store grain (the gold seed turned into the
     gold coin) was a good one but the incorporation of which has created
     a much more severe measure of imbalance and one that has a viable
     global threat attached to it.
     Since we've evolved beyond what nature intends as keeping a balance on
     population (you eat it all at once or there are too many of you, you
     starve), I am hoping we can swing the pendulum a bit back towards
     center. We've ensured our survival against need but can we guarantee
     our survival against greed? We have the technology, the intelligence
     and the organizational structure to implement such a paradigm but our
     greed and ego seem to be hell-bent on prevailing. Looks like there is
     still some evolving to do...

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