Twelve Track Parallel Plans

From: Tony Hollick (
Date: Sat Jul 12 1997 - 12:14:35 MDT


In a word, "Magnificent!!!"

This is the letter which I sent to Admiral Noel Gayler which he never received:

We are both displeased...

         / /\ \

From: Tony Hollick, | To: ADM Noel Gayler, USN (Ret.)
        6, Ambra Vale, | 2111 Mason Hill Drive
        Clifton Wood, | Alexandria,
        Bristol BS8 4RW | Virginia 22306,
        England. (0117)-9252455 | United States of America
        Telephone (0117)-9871484 | Telephone 001-703-765-7866
============================================================================= |

Dear Admiral Gayler, 22 April 1997 22 April 1995

    Thank you so much for speaking with me when I telephoned you from Bristol,
England at your home in Alexandria a few weeks or so back. I really enjoyed
our conversation so much -- a dream come true; for me anyway!

    [I enclose some papers to give you some idea as to 'who I am and where I'm
at' right now; I'm happy to answer any enquiries you may have about me and my
activities. I promise to try not to inveigle you into my problems over here.

    A word on methodology: my approach to problem-solving is basically that of
Karl Popper; and more particularly, Imre Lakatos' proposals in his "The
Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes" (Cambridge, [1978]). These are
among the most powerful and effective instruments of intellectual weaponry I
know of. I enclose Bryan Magee's wonderful little book "Popper" as a gift from
me to you; and to 'repay forward' the work you've done already for peace with

    [ I have to admit to sometimes 'speaking through quotations': if others say
what I want said better than I can say it, 'let them fly'! ]

    I *don't* start from the problems of the _specific means of warfare_,
important though these are (especially nuclear weapons). With Heisenberg, I
don't think these are the basic -- or even the worst -- problem: My primary
concern is with 'The Causes of War' (see Geoffrey Blainey's classic academic
text of this name, publ. Sun Books, Melbourne). Blainey's view (following
analysis of several hundred wars from 1700 to 1971) amounts to the conclusion
that wars arise as a result of faulty intelligence evaluations of one's own or
the other side's interests, aims, strengths and will to fight; wars "usually
begin when two [or more] nations disagree on their relative strength, and wars
usually cease when the fighting nations agree on their relative strength."

    And I think the problems of disarmament can actually be more readily
resolved long-term by something like the twelve-track strategy I outline here,
with the tracks running separately yet simultaneously, more or less in parallel
(an Integrated Operational Plan for worldwide peace with freedom, if you
like!). Such a plan incorporates specific advances to general nuclear
disarmament, while (hopefully) avoiding the dangers of open-ended non-nuclear
warfare. Its central focus is upon what we're fighting for -- and against --
and the means by which we fight; and upon the human and material costs.

    Still, there are indeed 'no final moves'!

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

TITLE: "William Hood on war"

TEXT: "Like war, spying is a dirty business. Shed of its alleged glory, a
soldier's job is to kill. Peel away the claptrap of espionage and the spy's
job is to betray trust. The only justification a soldier or a spy can have is
the moral worth of the cause he represents."

    William Hood (James Jesus Angleton's deputy); 'Mole' p. 11; publ.
Weidenfeld's [1982].

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[01] TITLE: 'Values as the expression of the central order'

TEXT: 'The problem of values is nothing but the problems of our acts, goals
and morals. It concerns the compass by which we must steer our ship if we
are to set a true course through life. The compass itself has been given
different names by various religions and philosophies ... but I have a clear
impression that all such formulations try to express man's relatedness to a
central order. In the final analysis the central order, or the 'One' as it
used to be called with which we commune in the language of religion, must win

  If we ask Western man what is good, what is worth striving for and what has
to be rejected, we shall find time and again, that his answers reflect the
ethical norms of Christianity even when he has long since lost all touch with
christian images and parables. If the magnetic force which has guided this
particular compass - and what else was its source but the central order? -
should ever become extinguished, terrible things may happen to mankind, far
more terrible even than concentration camps and atom bombs.'

    Werner Heisenberg, [1971] 'Physics and beyond: encounters and
conversations', published by George Allen and Unwin, London.

    Thorpe is emphatic in asserting that we must never forget that such a
conclusion must on no account be attributed solely to the Western insights
stemming from the Christian revelation; he gives the following Admonitions as a
further example, drawn from the Amerindian tribe of the Shawnees (who were
dispossessed of their Oklahoma lands in 1839).

TITLE: The Shawnee Admonitions:

TEXT: (1) "Do not kill or injure your neigbour, for it is not him you injure,
you injure yourself."

      (2) "Do not wrong or hate your neighbour, for it is not him that you
wrong, you wrong yourself. Moneto, the Supreme Being. loves him also as she
loves you."

  Quoted from W.H. Thorpe, 'Purpose in a World of Chance' Oxford [1978].

    This is clearly related via the central order to the (negative) Judaic
injunction not to do unto one's neighbour that which one would not wish to
befall one's self. My own -- perhaps agnostic -- orientation is nearer Taoism;
but these ethical principles are capable of reformulation for most spiritual --
and even humanistic or atheistic -- contexts.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[02] TITLE: "The Role of the Sciences"

TEXT: I am constantly reminded of the role of the Newtonian foundations in
Kantian ethics. I do think that the near-destruction of 'Classical Physics'
was a tragedy that broke the self-confident -- Kantian -- foundations of 19th
Century liberal optimism and rational expectations of a better future, and
further opened the door to the barbarism of Prussian militarism, aggressive
racial nationalism, Marxism and National Socialism in the 20th Century.

    I've spent much of the last 10 years working on a Scentific Research
Programme which is founded on an extended Classical Mechanics, which replaces
SR/GR and QM with an intelligible and accurate integrated Scientific Research
Programme -- Relational Mechanics -- which can be stated on a sheet of A4
paper. Here's the 'Core Programme' of Relational Mechanics: There's an
accompanying 120K file which closely argues for the programme on a positive
'balance-sheet' heuristic of clarity, simplicity and accuracy in description,
explanation and prediction.

TITLE: A Scientific Research Programme of Relational Mechanics

TEXT: The basis of Relational Mechanics is the single principle, that the laws
of physics have the same form in all frames of reference in uniform
translation, and are the same everywhere. It extends Classical Mechanics into
the realms presently occupied by Special and General Relativity and Quantum

 Dimensional Analysis of Measure Ratios: Mass = M. Length = L. Time = T.

 [1] MATTER IN INFINITE SPACE: Material objects having extension exist in a
space which is without intrinsic properties, and which exists to infinity in
every direction.

 [2] UNIFORM TIME WITH UNIVERSAL SIMULTANEITY: The elapsing of time is uniform
and unidirectionally forward, with an instantaneous present time which occurs
at the same time - simultaneously - everywhere. Signal intervals can be
calculated to achieve corrected accurate predictive and retrodictive data.

 [3] EQUIVALENT GALILEAN RELATIVITY: All forces, material coordinate positions
and velocities are relational; and all co-ordinate systems or frames of
reference in uniform motion relative to one another are Galileian systems.
There is no privileged or "absolute" reference frame. There is full addition
of velocities across co-ordinate systems or reference frames.

 [4] GENERALIZATION OF THE LAWS OF MECHANICS: All the laws of mechanics have
the same form in every inertial frame of reference or coordinate system.

 [5] CLASSICAL MECHANICS: INERTIA: The stasis or movement of anything does not
change unless and until a force acts upon it.

 [6] CLASSICAL MECHANICS: ACTION: A change in movement of anything is
proportional to the force acting upon it, and is made in the direction of the
force which acts upon it. (f = ma = ML/T^2; Force = mass times acceleration).

 [7] CLASSICAL MECHANICS: REACTION: For every action, there is an equal
reaction in the opposite direction. (f1 = -f2).

 [8] RELATIONAL GRAVITATIONAL FORCE: The relational gravitational attraction
between massy objects is proportional to the sum of their masses, and is
proportional to the inverse square of the distance between their centres of
mass. If gravitational force should prove to be propagated at a finite rate,
and objects be moving radially relative to each other, then the additional
velocity-dependent modification for propagated spherical forces, Woldemar
Voight's [1887] equations (later known as "Lorentz Transformations") would be
required, as a first approximation to non-linear equations for delayed
interaction over a distance.

 [9] RELATIONAL ELECTRIC FORCE: The relational electric attraction or repulsion
between charged objects is inverse-square proportional to the distance between
them. If electric force proves to be propagated at a finite rate, and objects
be moving relative to each other, then the additional velocity-dependent
modification for propagated spherical forces, Woldemar Voight's [1887]
equations (later known as "Lorentz Transformations") is required, as a first
approximation to non-linear equations for delayed interaction over a distance.

    Coulomb's Law and Voight's equations yield Maxwell's equations without
further assumptions, as proved by Leigh Page, Yale Professor of Mathematical
Physics [1912] and [1913].

 A. O'Rahilly, "Electromagnetics", Longmans & U. Cork, [1938] & Dover [1965]

 R.A. Waldron, "The Wave and Ballistic Theories of Light", F. Muller, [1977]

 R.A. Waldron, "Electric Forces", The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 51
No. 11/12, pp. 553 to 560, November/December [1981].

 Leigh Page, Yale University, [1912] and [1913].

 [10] RELATIONAL MAGNETIC FORCE: The relational magnetic attraction or
repulsion between north and south magnets is inverse-square proportional to the
distance between them. If magnetic force proves to be propagated at a finite
rate, and objects be moving radially relative to each other, then the
additional velocity-dependent modification for propagated spherical forces,
Woldemar Voight's [1887] equations (later known as "Lorentz Transformations")
would be required, as a first approximation to non-linear equations for delayed
interaction over a distance.

    The lines of magnetic force follow from the force interactions described by
Poisson's equations.

 A. O'Rahilly, "Electromagnetics", Longmans & U. Cork, [1938] & Dover [1965]

 R.A. Waldron, "The Wave and Ballistic Theories of Light", F. Muller, [1977]

 R.A. Waldron, "Electric Forces", The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 51
No. 11/12, pp. 553 to 560, November/December [1981].

Electromagnetic structures which are radiated and absorbed ('photons') have
intrinsic mass, and this mass occurs in in multiples of a minimum mass. This
mass, when in linear translation and with up to three axes of classical
rotation, ('spins') as well as three degrees of vibration, gives rise to
quantum effects. Such electromagnetic structures ('photons') are made from the
same material as other forms of matter - negatively charged microparticles
(which we can call electrinos); positively-charged microparticles, (which we
may call positrinos). There are also neutral microparticles, (presently called

 In free space the velocity of emittance of a radiated photon _relative to its
source_ is constant at L/T = 299,792.485 + or - .0012 km/second.

 E = hv, where E is the energy value of the photon; v is its frequency; and h
is Planck's constant, which has the measure-ratio of ML^2/T, and is presently
calculated as 6.6262 x 10^-34 Joules/second. There is accordingly a lower as
well as an upper limit to photon size. Relevant equations may be found in R.A.
Waldron, [1977] and [1982].

 These quantized electromagnetic structures, in conjunction with Beckmann's
[1987] theory of electron orbits, provide the basis for developing the
quantized dynamics of particle systems, including atoms and molecules.

 R.A. Waldron, "The Wave and Ballistic Theories of Light", F. Muller, [1977]

 R.A. Waldron, "The Spinning Photon", Speculations in Science and Technology,
Elsevier Sequoia S.A., 5 April 1982.

 P. Beckmann, "Einstein plus Two", Golem Press [1987].

 [12] CONSERVATION LAWS: There is full conservation of mass; full conservation
of energy over time; and full conservation of momentum. Mass is invariant with
respect to relative velocities, as are length and time.

[ Copyright Anthony Hugh Hollick, Bristol, England. April 22, 1995 ]

       It may assist understanding to think about RM like this:

[A] Take Classical Mechanics: (Start with T.W.B. Kibble's fine text):
[B] Add relational electric and magnetic and gravitational forces:
[C] Add a velocity of force propagation ('c'), which delays far-action:
[D] Add a full ballistic ('particle' or 'photon') theory of EM radiation.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[03] TITLE: "The Role of Philosopy in the Furtherance of Open Societies"

    Popper's "The Open Society and Its Enemies" is a basic text, as is his
[1994] "The Myth Of the Framework." Tarski's Correspondence theory of truth is
central; and Lakatos and Musgrave [1976] is also 'essential reading', as is
John Hospers' fine book 'An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. And even
David Carradine's fine book 'The Spirit of Shaolin' <smiles>.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[04] TITLE: "The Role of the Arts"

TEXT: "They were wrong, and they will always be wrong, those prophets who say
Art will degenerate, will exhaust all conceivable forms, will die. It is we
who will die; Art will remain. And shall we -- before we perish -- manage to
understand all its facets and all its purposes?

    Not everything has a name. Some things lead us into a realm beyond words.
Art thaws even the frozen, darkened soul, opening it to lofty spiritual
experience. Through Art we are sometimes sent -- indistinctly, briefly --
revelations not to be achieved by rational thought.

    It is like that small mirror in the fairy-tales -- you glance in it, and
what you see is not yourself: for an instant, you glimpse the Inaccessible,
where no horse or magic carpet can take you. And the soul cries out for it..."

    From 'One Word of Truth...' -- The Nobel Speech on Literature; by Alexander
Solzhenitsyn: BBC External Services Translation, Publ. The Bodley Head [1972]

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[05] TITLE: "Realizing Human Potential"

TEXT: I'm working intermittently on a -- shareware -- personal computer
programme which offers some of the benefits of the Human Potential methods,
inexpensively, on a more widespread basis. There is quite a lot of interest in
such technologies nowadays. The work of LTC Jim Channon's 'First Earth
Battalion Foundation' is also well worth a look; as is the generality of work
done on the realization of Human Potential described in Pearson & Shaw's book
"Life Extension -- A Practical Scientific Approach"; and "MegaBrain" by Michael
Hutchison. [Also Jose Silva's 'Silva Mind Control Method.']

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[06] TITLE: "The Open Society and its Enemies"

TEXT: Popper's work, again; I've developed a simple programme -- Democratic
Agorism -- which aims to provide both assessment benchmarks and practical
measures to achieve more fully free and open societies worldwide. And Open
Societies don't war with each other...

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[07] TITLE: "Wars of Ideas; Wars on Ideas"

TEXT: As Popper says (The Myth Of The Framework), civilization really started
with the invention of swords. Civilized and intelligent men then saw that
fighting with words makes better sense, with bad ideas dying instead of people.

    So I support wars of ideas waged on behalf of the ideas of the Open
Society, backed with:

    Triple-track diplomacy (positive, negative and covert-action);

    Psychological warfare (viz. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger's classic text of
that name: did you ever meet him?);

    Special Forces (viz. "Swords of Lightning" by Terry White; publ. Brassey's,

    Reactive 'Antiweaponry' Defences (PGMs, conventional antiballistic missile
systems -- viz. the _original_ "High Frontier" ideas in Dan Graham's Heritage
Foundation Project Book of that name [1982], not the hyped-up SDI stuff that
dissipated the money and the political support which could have built High
Frontier's Layered Defense proposals.

    I would ask you to please consider the "High Frontier" proposals
independently of your experience of Dan Graham: I was impressed by the way he
welcomed a visiting Soviet journalist to a High Frontier presentation in
London, and emphasised how the US and the USSR could work together to block
nuclear attack. You and he do _seem_ to share many ideals, while differing
profoundly over means. And you're both feisty and combative people!

    (Some of our MoD and conservative people were averse to Strategic Defense
ideas because they feared the nullification of Britain's 'independent
deterrent': yet our Trident systems rely on American know-how for accuracy;
and I'll not soon forget my Royal Navy friend Peter McManus -- later a 'Top
Gun' trainer 'on loan' to RAF Valley in the late Sixties -- telling me of the
terse reply they were given at their fighter-bomber mission briefing, when
someone asked how they were supposed to get 'back home' again, when the nuclear
targets were at the Scimitar's limits of range: "What do you think there will
be to come home to"?).

    The aim of this sort of twelve-part Integrated Operational Plan should be
to fight and win the war of ideas *peacefully* for the Open Societies,
transforming enemies into friends wherever this may be possible.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[08] TITLE: "Horizontal Spontanous Social Orders"

TEXT: My preference is for the sorts of damage-resistant, adaptive and
resilient 'horizontal' free and equalitarian social orders envisioned by (most
of) the Lockean founders of the American Republic. (If a quiet patriotism is
the love of the _idea_ of a country, I'm certainly a North American! I'm
applying for political refugee status in Canada right now -- see attached

[09] TITLE: "Globalized Free Communications Networks"

    Lots of Internets, with lots of alternative telecomms providers!
Spontaneous orders then form from the free chices made by the individual
telecommunicators. David Andrews' book "The IRG Solution: Hierarchical
Incompetence and How To Overcome It" (Souvenir Press, [1984]) gives good
insights into these social processes.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[10] TITLE: "The Role Of History"

TEXT: In 1944, Nash-Kelvinator Corporation ran this magazine
advertisement,showing a grim pilot, about to take on Zeros at twelve o'clock,
imagining this staccato message to his wife:-

    "I want to tell you what I'm fighting for.. it's you and our little house
and the job I had before... and the chance I had, the fighting chance, to go
ahead on my own. That's what all of us want out here... to win this war... to
get home... To go back to living our lives in a land -- and a world -- where
*every* man is free to grow as great as he's a mind to be... where every man
has an *unlimited* opportunity to be useful to himself and his fellow men...
Tell 'em we'll be back... nothing can stop us... And tell 'em no matter what
they say, no matter what they do... to stay *free*.. to keep America a land of
*individual freedom*! That's what we're fighting for... That's what we're
willing to die for... That's the America we want when we come home."


    "We had better figure out what happened if we expect any army, conscript
or volunteer, to remember what it's fighting for." - Michael Levin

 (Policy Review: Publ. The Heritage Foundation; Fall, 1983).

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[11] TITLE: "WildFire Systems"

TEXT: By "WildFire Systems" I mean easily-propagated, decentralized,
'synergistic' and practical instantiations of free social innovations, which
replace existing faulty social practices with better, more mutually
advantageous relationships; e.g.

    [a] Offices of Open Network (like Leif Smith's in Colorado - I have a copy
of their interesting 60pp Operating Manual available).

    [b] Information Exchanges (like CIX here in England - runs under COSY)

    [c] Credit Unions (like Grameen Bank and North American CUs)

    [d] Local Exchange Trading Systems (to 'kickstart' economic activity where
people have little or no money). Start-up books are available.

    [e] WishCraft Centres: Non-injurious 'wishes' are described on record
cards or computer record entries in this simple format:

    TITLE: <five or six words>;
    TEXT: 50 to 100 word description;
    CONTACT: preferred contact mode or address

    Participants then work to realize the wishes for each other.

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

[12] TITLE: "The Role Of Mythologies"

    Science fiction has been aptly described as 'The Mythology of the 20th (and
21st) Century. Foremost among my favourites are Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings'
(in which coercion is the main evil, and individual free will is the foundation
of the principal virtues). And Cordwainer Smith's incomparable stories (Dr.
Paul Linebarger's nom de plume)

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

    I hope you find these ideas worthy of your consideration and further
discussion; I'm really looking forward to hearing from you! I'm entirely
happy for you to discuss all this with others if you think it's worthwhile. I
have no secrets from the Puzzle Palace!! <smile>

    All Best Wishes,

    Tony Hollick

                      ----------- * * * * * -----------

    | * |
 - <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
    | Rainbow Bridge Foundation * * * Centre for Liberal Studies |
 - <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
    | 6 Ambra Vale BRISTOL BS8 4RW * Tony Hollick: 0117-9252455 |

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

POSTSCRIPT: On all this 'Rightist Kooks and Commies' 'n Stuff... >:-}

A senior professor at Bristol University says I'm quite sane, if a little

Dr Robert Lefever (against whom I made a formal statement to the General
Medical Council _at their request>) tried to get me 'committeed' over the
last fortninght. Case number 1997/1227.

My examining medics say I'm a nice guy ( >:-} ) quite sane, and brilliantly
intelligent, albeit a bit isolated. >:-{

The Colorado Attorney-General's Office acknowledges gratefully my
assistance helping to pattern-analyse fo the investigation of the JonBenet
Ramsey killing.
The matters in the 1978-1980 Chronology are presently before the office of
the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

Motorola have the Mlackbird MacroComputer Project underway.

PPS: True story...

I was standing at my living-room window a couple days back, reflecting with a focussed intensity on how to deal with the problems.

 Suddenly, a brilliant blue-and-gold flash of lightning struck just 1000
 yards away, followed by an earth-shaking thunderclap.

[FX: "Who needs Barrett Light Fifties?" ]

Then the sky suddely darkened, and a hard rain fell.

[ FX: "You _have_ to believe we are _magic_;
       Nothing can stand in our way" ]

Olivia Newton-John, singing 'Magic'

Words and Music by John Farrar, from 'Xanadu.'

[ FX: "Oh Livvy, that line: 'I'm a Muse from Zeus..." >:-} ]

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

   | * |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | Rainbow Bridge Foundation * * * Centre for Liberal Studies |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
   | 4 Grayling House, Canford Rd: * Bristol BS9 3NU Tel: 9501894 |

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------

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