This funny Roswell Business

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Fri Jul 11 1997 - 10:01:51 MDT

     Roswell and the UFO phenomenon may be the government taking advantage
     of first cold war, now millenial hysteria and keeping a nice
     entertaining dog and pony show going to keep the masses distracted.
     There is a tinge of paranoia in that statement I suppose but I figure
     when you have access to the mightiest military force on the planet and
     gazillions of dollars, you might just get a little power hungry and
     outta control.
     But I'm much more fascinated by the notion that spacecraft (flying
     saucers,etc..) would be impractical for interstellar travel, given the
     inviobility of FTL travel. Not knowing enough to go on about the
     physics involved, my question is more a request for illumination.
     What about the notion of interdimensional travel where space is
     "folded" as in Dune or notions (however unfounded) like the wormhold
     in DS9? Perhaps there are means of sustaining matter as one traverses
     physical dimensions into ones where distance isn't an issue.
     Now, I don't really need to know whether or not there are creatures,
     races from other planets. Chances are pretty high since it's a pretty
     big place that's been around several billions years. But then again,
     the world was a pretty big place to people who could only travel as
     fast as a horse could gallop (if they had horses) or boats that were
     essentially hollowed-out logs. The first Spanish ships must've looked
     like some alien mothership to the indigenous natives of the western
     hemisphere. Distance and vastness are relative to our ability to
     traverse the space. What took generations, months and thousands of
     lives in the traversing of USAmerica now is done in a matter of hours
     and then we get pissy if the flights are off schedule. Just 150 years
     or so ago, pissy had a different context. And now, change is on an
     exponential curve that makes 19th to 20th century innovation pale
     comparison. We're in for some interesting times.

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