Re: Robert Anton Wilson

From: Kennita Watson (
Date: Fri Jul 04 1997 - 12:17:16 MDT

For those who are interested, RAW is having two "small group discussions"
in San Francisco on Saturday, August 16, for $39 each or both for $69.
register to receive exact location. $3 registration fee per order. Phone
to register with VISA, MC, AMEX: 800-909-6736 or 510-526-7190.

WIL-0816A: Saturday, August 16, 10AM - 1PM: The I in the Triangle: An
outline of past and future evolutionary psychology, based on the works of
Schoeder, Leary, and Bandler. the theory will take the audience on a
journey from the most primitive types of consciousness to the most
futuristic ("New Age"), and the exercises will induce experience of the
ancient oral bio-survival circuits of the brain, the mammalian anal
territorial circuits, the hominid rational circuits, the domesticated
social-ethical circuits, plus the futuristic neuromatic (bliss-out)
circuits, the neurogenetic (Ancient Memory) circuits, the metaprogramming
systems, and the non-local (cosmic) I.

WIL-0816B: Saturday, August 16, 2PM - 5PM: The Universe Contains a Maybe:
A Journey Beyond Either/Or. An exploration of fuzzy logic, three-valued
logic, multi-valued logic, and other alternatives to either/or thinking.
Exercises will take the audience into tricky and sometimes funny Head Trips
where these advanced scientific concepts make more sense, even in
daily-life terms, than the either-or choices offered by clergypersons,
politicians, and other primitives.

The ad I saw mentioned him as a "guerilla ontologist, and quoted the Denver
Post as calling him "the Lenny Bruce of philosophers". Enjoy.


Kennita Watson | The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,| but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do
                  | members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
                  | -- Richard Bach, _Illusions_

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