Carbon-based evolution as a metaphor

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Wed Jun 25 1997 - 09:55:07 MDT

     It occurred to me the other day that object-oriented (4GL) programming
     is following in the same path as carbon-based life's primordial
     evolution (on Earth anyway). Metaphorically, if amino acid chains are
     like 3GL procedural programming, then our first OO programming would
     be the first "life forms" or objects for independent processing and
     Extending that metaphor, it could be observed that we are in the
     processing of creating life using our silicon-based technology that
     mirrors (intentionally?) our own ancient beginnings. I'd like to hear
     from any mondo-advanced programmers about what the next step (or
     several next steps) beyond distributed objects or other
     post-Client/Server technology is on the horizon in our technological

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