Addendum to Economy, Ego & Extropians

From: Rick Knight (
Date: Tue May 20 1997 - 13:35:01 MDT

     Hi again,
     In my previous e-mail today, I meant to attach a quote that I got from
     a guy by the name of Michael Ventura who used to (may still) write for
     LA Weekly. The quote was to underscore my feeling about how overt
     materialism preoccupies (at best) or sedates/immobilizes (at worst)
     our citizenry.
     "This is the death of the Republic: When the people clamor to be
     shielded from reality, when they praise their government for keeping
     things from them, when they choose to conduct their lives within the
     limits of whatever fantasy the government supplies, then they are no
     longer consenting to be governed, they are begging to be ruled."
     Don't know if there are any "magic pills" out there to be the
     stimulant needed to shake off more of the complacency that dulls the
     senses of many in this culture but I'm hopeful that benevolent
     thinkers and feelers, perhaps within the ranks of Extropians, will
     emerge that will rally our resources together not only to take
     responsibility but to act zealously to improve our communities and
     restore our environment.

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