From: Len Flatley (
Date: Wed May 07 1997 - 12:10:06 MDT

To all interested parties:

        I have always been excited about enabling technologies, (as
        does anyone on this list, certainly) and have been looking for
        ways to create an outreach, to help spread the word to others
        who might not otherwise be turned on to better living through

        I have certainly enjoyed the "practical extropianism" thread,
        and I would like to take it one step further . . .

        so, if anybody out there who would like to collaborate on a
        web-based effort, please email me at


                                       MAYBE I AM NOT VERY HUMAN - WHAT I
                                       WANTED TO DO WAS PAINT SUNLIGHT
                                       ON THE SIDE OF A HOUSE
                                            Edward Hopper
len flatley

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