Re: Practical Extropianism

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue May 06 1997 - 11:11:12 MDT

On Mon, 5 May 1997 wrote:

> I think it would be good to be a bit more practical about extropianism. I'd really like
> to read information on where to get drugs that can make you think faster or feel a
> certain way. Such drugs are sometimes legal and available to the public, but we just
> don't know about them. Putting an end to this kind of ignorance would be beneficial to
> us. Understanding how the drugs work on us could further our knowledge of ourselves and
> truly make us grow.

Yes, it would be a good idea if such a list could be compiled, containing
*reliable* information as opposed to all the anecdotal stuff, advertising and
plain silliness out there in the infosphere; I want carefully tested
information with references and good explanations. This is an entirely
feasible project, although much of the information we really want is as yet
unknown and untested. The nootropic testing project discussed a few weeks ago
might be one way of getting slightly more information in an active way.

> What I'm saying is that it may be nice to dream about things, but it's better to do
> things, to apply theories, to build upon what's already built. What I'd like to see is
> an "extropian resource guide" of some sort in which one could find information that
> could be immediately used to expand one's physical and intellectual capacities.

I agree completely! Such a resource guide would be very useful, but
requires some work to maintain and fill. We need somebody who could
actually manage something like this, and a staff who edited and reviewed
entries. A bit like the Omega database of Homo Excelsior, but directed
towards actual tools.

> Sure, I want to be a cyborg, but right now, precisely what can science and technology
> make me?

I think the best tools so far are:
        Mental techniques (improving intelligence, rationality, creativity,
                emotion, memory etc)
        Natural physical improvements (healthy food, exercise, martial arts)
        Nootropics (some work in some ways)
        Information management tools (wearable computers with cellular phone
                modems, information agents, remembrance agents, decision support
                programs, mindmap programs)
        Life extension (calorie restriction, healthy food, cryonics)

You don't want current implants, believe me (I'm studying implant technology
for fun right now. BTW, as an exercise I will have to write an analysis/idea
for a novel implant (ideally for medical use) based on today's capabilities:
any ideas for an implant in need of development?).

Being a cyborg is not a matter of having bionics or technology, it is a state
of mind where you construct yourself, designing your life to fit your values.

Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension!
GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y

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