Re: Hydrogen Power

Date: Tue Apr 29 1997 - 16:41:54 MDT

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997 10:49:47 +0200 "ard" <> writes:
>> And where is the alternator getting its power? SOrry, you are
>> about a Rube Goldbergish type of perpetual motion machine. Its a
> The alternator gets its power from the chipmunk on the
> ard
        Waaiit a minute! I saw a documentary on TV
recently that described a fuel made from about half water
and several other ingredients. It has been approved in Nevada.
Costs several hundred dollars to convert your car. The fuel
costs almost as much as regular gasoline, but the excitement
is that it generates half the pollution! The non-water half of
the mixture is several things, including: a cheap petroleum
byproduct that is emulsified into the water. It looks like milk.
        I think that I have this show on video tape,
                More later, L-marie
        Yes, I saw a water-powered car on TV.

        BUT: it's only half water, and the energy
                            comes from the fuel it'self, just
                  like any other fuel. It's not cheap.
                  It is cleaner.

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