Re: Help: Communication: Organize (Make Friend Not Associate)

From: Mike Rose (
Date: Sun Apr 13 1997 - 20:17:36 MDT

On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Mike C. wrote:

> What are your problems?.

Well... I belive in NOTHING. I have come to realise that everything
is just a game/filter/theory/map/menu etc. etc.

I have not slipped into solipsism but...

For operation of my bio-computer in the 'real' world I have to choose a
game/ritual/theory (which deep down I know to be a lie). Progress has
become hard as I refuse to stick to any one emic reality for any length of
time. This is good, I am less intolerant of other people and their reality
tunnels, but bad as progress is slowed almost to a stop.

I was wondering if any other extropians had similar difficulties in
finding a framework of solid beliefs. At the moment my only solid belief
is that all my beliefs are constantly in flux.

Just wondering...


"It is my firm belief that it is a mistake to hold firm beliefs"

But I ask myself, 'how can we move forward if we have no firm beliefs to
spring from?'



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